Chapter 1: On the street.

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Maggie's POV

"Brooke come on let's go before dad gets home. I don't want to get bruises on my arms again!" I yell up the stairs.

"I'll be down in a minute, hold on!" She yells back.

My twin sister, Brooke, and I have a very abusive dad because of his drinking problem.

We are both 19 and live with our dad. We always go on walks to get out of the house so we don't have to see him.

I have been anorexic for about 2 years and Brooke has stopped because she doesn't want to die like that. I have tried multiple times, but I got called fat and ugly at school to much I just kept on going.

"BROOKE DAD IS HOME! LETS GO!" I screamed at her!

"Kk run." She said.

And we ran and ran until we couldn't see our house.


It was a normal day in Texas. Nice and hot outside.

"Hey Maggie what's that?" She pointed to something in the distance.

"It's a dog, Brooke!" I yelled.

"Awe! He's a cutie! What's his name?" She said stroking his back.

"His name is Jeffery" I told her.

(Hint hint. You see what I did there)

"Awe!!! That's a cute name for a little puppy! He looks lost. Should we go return him." She asked.

"Totally." I said

-=+Time skip to when they get to the house+=-

"I'll knock." I said knocking 3 times.

The door opens very quickly to a women wearing an apron.

"Excuse me. By any chance do you have a dog named Jeffery that has gotten lose?" I asked her.

"Yes I have! Did you find him???" She said.

"Yes he is right here! He is a total sweet heart!" Brooke said.

"PARKER! Can you come here!" She yelled. That must be her son.

"Coming mom!" His voice was very familiar.

I was looking down at the ground until I heard footsteps come up and stop in front of me.

"Hey. I'm Parker. I see you found Jeffery." That voice. It was so familiar I just couldn't recognize it. Until I looked up.

"Uhhh... Your Parker_Games." I said still frozen in place.

"And your MaggiePlaysMC" He said back.

"Can I just say you have made my sister and I's life worth living." I said looking at my feet.

Brooke just stood there shocked. She couldn't say anything.

"Well that's what I do! Since it's raining really hard would you like to join us for dinner?" He asked look at me. Ignoring my sister.

"I would love to" my sister and I said together.

"I'm Brooke by the way." Brooke said. I could tell she really liked him, but I don't think he liked her back.

I sat down in a chair by my sister. Parker pulled up a chair next to me and his mom.

-=+Time skip to when dinner was over+=-

"You a really good cook, mama_games!" She told us to call her that because she thought it was funny.

"Why thank you! And you are really pretty!" She said smiling at me and Parker.

I heard Parker whisper to himself "I think so too."

I look up at him. I think he knows I heard him.

"What did you say?" I questioned him.

"Oh nothing. Just thinking that my mom was right." I started to blush.

My sister got really mad.

"Well we better get going." She said. Grabbing my arm.

"It's still raining. Would you like me to drive you home?" Parker asked.

"No thanks. My did would kill us if he saw us with a boy." I said look down at my feet.

"Okay well I hope to see you again! Bye Mags and Brooke!" He said waving at us.

He called me Mags. I think I'm falling in love with him. Not again!


How did you like the first chapter? I made it long for you guys!

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Peace out✌️~Mac💕

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