"We're getting married," Jung Hwan told them straightforwardly and no one saw it coming, even Deok Sun herself. He gave them the good news first and she wanted to praise him for that.

"You just started dating three months ago, isn't it too soon to talk about marriage?" his dad asked. His mom nodded, seemed to agree with her husband.

"We're old enough and we're serious about each other. What are we waiting for?" Jung Hwan answered, looked convincing enough to make even Deok Sun believed in him.

"Wait, how soon are you talking about?" her dad asked. Jung Hwan looked at her, but she didn't dare to say anything. She couldn't guess what he wanted her to say. He nodded slightly to let her know she can say anything she wanted and he would back her up.

"One month," she finally answered. She was flustered when their parents didn't say anything in shock, so she added, "Maybe two months?"

"Two months is not even possible, let alone one month!"

"Can you book a wedding hall in one month?"

"Can you even prepare a wedding in one month?"

Their parents started to talk at the same time and they can only stay silent while the four of them started discussing how to prepare the wedding in detail. Only Bo Ra and Sun Woo had fun in this situation. They watched them in amusement, laughing.

"Aren't you going to ask why they're in a hurry?" Bo Ra grinned at them.

"Yes, why indeed? You have plenty of time!" his mom finally asked both Jung Hwan and Deok Sun.

"I'm pregnant," she blurted it right away before she hesitated again. The look in both of their parents' face would actually be funny if she wasn't the one causing it. Their jaws were literally dropped in a full minute.

"YAH!" her dad stood up to hit Deok Sun and Jung Hwan shielded her right away. He smacked his head instead. Everyone started screaming at the same time. His mom was furious to see his son getting hit, trying to stop her dad right away. Deok Sun begged her dad to take it easy while her mom told him to calm down.

"You said you're serious with her!" he hit Jung Hwan's head one more time. Jung Hwan didn't even try to shield himself. He didn't move at all even when Deok Sun tried to pull him away. He took the hit silently until his dad dragged her dad away from him.

"Jung Hwan-ah, just get out first, we'll talk to him," his dad told him.

"No, appa. Let's talk together," Jung Hwan insisted to stay.

"Let me go," her dad wiggled out of his dad's reach and sat down again. The rest of them followed him, even Bo Ra and Sun Woo who stayed purely for entertainment. Deok Sun checked on Jung Hwan's forehead. It was getting red where her dad managed to hit him a few times. She frowned at her dad who glared back at her.

"Appa, Jung Hwan didn't do anything wrong. Can't you see he's being sincere?" she told her dad who only scoffed at her.

"Abeonim, Eomonim, I'm sorry," Jung Hwan didn't waste any time to talk to her parents. "Deok Sun's being pregnant didn't affect my intention to marry her. We just do it faster a few months. You all know I've loved her for more than ten years and nothing will make me let go of her. I'll try my best to make her happy for the rest of our lives."

Deok Sun couldn't take her eyes off him. She wouldn't even dream to see this prickly guy, who turned his confession into a joke before, saying things like this in front of everyone. But now that he did she loved him more for it.

"No, Jung Hwan-ah, I'm the one who have to try my best to make you happy. I've hurt you too much already and I'll make it up to you for the rest of my life, okay?" she held his hand and he blushed, embarrassed and happy at the same time.

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