Chapter 2

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7 a.m.

I felt someone's been touching my arm, pinch it a little. I yawned and stared at the girl by my side, she looked at me, puzzled.

"Why I'm here?" She asked me as she tries to sit but failed the attempt, she lied back down.

"You got hit by a car." My voice sounds so cold she her jaw dropped.

"What? How come?"

"I don't know, I wasn't there."

"Oh, okay. So.... What date is today?" She looked around for a while for calendar.

I looked at my wristwatch. "It's 14th of June."

"Okay. Do you know my name?" She suddenly tucked my hand make me stand by her left.


"That's all? There's no last name or anything?" Duh.... Maybe that's what she means.

"Jennifer, people call you Jenny. You've never told me your last name." I pulled the chair and gonna sit before she has actually sat me on her bed and hug me.

"Okay. So... What's your name?" She sniffed my hair. "It smells good."

"I'm Annie Berry."

She tighten her holds on me. "I've don't know that kind of berries does exist. Hmmmm.... I don't know why I'm getting turn on" Her hands unbutton my shirt, sliding it to my breast, squeeze it and holding it for a quite a while. I moaned a little. She laughed and put my shirt back to its place, button it all up. "Sorry." She let go of me and I get up.

"It's ok." I'm blushing. "Wanna eat something?"

"Oh, come on, you knew that I want you." I turned my face away. "Look at me, baby." She got me look at her by turning my head to her by grabbing my chin. "Don't runaway and be my slave." Her looks are so cold it hurts me. I can only manage a nod. "So... I forgot pretty much of everything or maybe nothing that I remember unless unnecessary things like information and stupid education." She paused and looked at me turning away and turns me back to her again. "Tell me everything that you know bout me."

"The doctor said that you have amnesia." I tensed up.

"That's I heard about, anything else? Cause I can't remember a thing. It's fucking crazy. Living like walking blindly." She sighed. "Guess you know what I mean?" I nod. "Good, now start with my identity."

"I only know some of it. Your name is Jennifer, your birthday is on 30th of August, you're 27 years old, you live with me in a house nearby, I don't know what's your profession, you hardly ever tell me anything about you." I looked at the floor, sometimes window or the ceiling.

She sighed. "Would you please look at the person you're talking to?" She pulled me and sat me on her bed looking at her face to face. "Tell me your identity."

"I'm Annie Berry, my birthday is on 7th of February, I'm 23 years old, I worked at a diner mostly from morning to afternoon and do household chores in your place. Well, I moved in with you about several months ago, after my birthday." Her gazed felt so different now.

"So... Are we going out? Like you're my girlfriend?" She seems worried.

"Yes, is that weird? Do you hate it?" I turned to bed sheets.

"No, that's cool. So I'm lesbian? That's why I was turned on?" She ask it nonchalantly.

"No, you're straight before you know me."

She lift my head. "It's ok though, that must have meant how much I love you. My heart beats real fast now." She hyperventilate. She suddenly fall back and fainted.

I went out and search for a doctor. He got to the room and checked her with the help with some nurses. "I thought I've said that she shouldn't talk too much. It's hard to breath stably, it's even harder if she talks or her heartbeats goes to fast or to slow. Please note it down, ma'am." The doctor leave in an instance as her condition back to normal.

I can only watch and wait and pray over and over again.

It's been 2 hours ever since she collapse. I wonder should I buy some foods or should I ask the nurse to. I'm worried, I can't leave her alone bur she's still sleeping. It should be ok right? I brush her hair as I stand beside her. "I'll buy something for you, please wait here." I went to convenience store nearby chuckling. Wait here? Like she'll be able to go somewhere.

I walked in, took some bread and jam and some fruit juices. I took out a cigarette and smoke in front of the store. There's a ashtray on the table and some chairs around. Why now? I can't even think straight. I don't know wether she's pretending or not. The way she act slightly different but the way she treats me, the way she looks at me and everything was so similiar.

So.... Should I let it be this way? I won't mind being toy, I just... I don't know.... Will she ever love me like she used to? Or I'll just be someone that stand by her all the time? Or there'll be time when I suddenly becomes nothing and will be thrown away? I got so frightened by this last part... Should I make her think only of me or let her just do anything she wants? I'm messed up...

People's been saying I'm stupid, a loner, I'm no good at all. I wished it would be some but it turned out even my parents said so. I've done mistakes. Maybe I'm a mistake. I wish I can just go and leave everything as I suicide numerous times. As I drain the life out of me an angel come and take me to her place. Tell me that I'm not the only one. That I'll survive.

This beautiful angel embraced me in her hug night after night. We decided to live together. She used to play pranks on me and laughed out loud. Hurt me when she's frustrated and end up crying, though she's been smiling while she does it. She can be romantic and cute at times. Hmmm.... Enough with remembering. Got tears on my face. Gotta wiped it all and go back to her place... Quick....

Quick... I should have been quicker but.... I felt something dripping from my head as the worlds turning black all of a sudden.

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