Several snappy remarks rise inside Kiera, but she shoves them down as Jordan jumps onto a fallen log. “Get your sorry tails over here,” he shouts. “We’ve got work to do, things to work out, shifts to arrange, and if you stand any further away, Chase, I’m gonna drag you over here by your tail and let you be our practise dummy.”

Kiera leans towards Cody and Romy to whisper, “Just a disagreement about cowardice.”

Romy snorts.

The small group huddle closer to Jordan who crosses his arm. His alpha wolf voice carries over the snow easily. “There was a Revoker attack last night.”

“So everyone keeps saying” Romy mutters coldly. Kiera jabs her with an elbow in the ribs. Romy jabs back.

“There were no casualties, but for those of you out there last night, it was a wakeup call. It’s not like fighting a wolf, or fighting a sibling.” Grey eyes scan over the kids, and Kiera can’t meet the man’s eyes when thye slide over her. She stares at the snow for minute, to make sure he’s no longer looking when she glance back up. “The Revokers are dangerous, they want to kill, and they won’t stop, even if you roll belly up like little cowards.”

Kiera frowns, lifting her hand to the bruise fading on her cheek, her eye.

“So we’re going to do some training, you against one of the older wolves, you in wolf form, them, human. And don’t go easy on them because they’re your pack mates, consider them the enemy. This is going to determine your position in the pack, so don’t hold back. Besides, they won’t be holding back, either. Anyone not fighting, you’re going to finding partners to patrol with.” Jordan jumps from the log, landing with a thump in the snow. “Now, follow me.”

Kiera strolls behind the group, letting Cody and Romy walk ahead. Carefully she runs a finger over her eye.

She hadn’t really thought about it before, but she can’t understand why the two Revokers had fled instead of killing her. She was vulnerable; there would have been no fight if they’d killed her when she was passed out. Again she sees the snow splattered with red, and the sudden panic when the branch creeks overhead. The cut on her chest aches.


Kiera jerks around; dropping her hand from the stab wound on her chest. Chases eyes hover where he hand was for a minute, before he looks up. “What do you want?” her voice is harsh from the unnerving feeling in her stomach. She resists the urge to pull her jumper higher, even though she knows Chase can’t see the wound under the fabric.

Chases eyes drop, but he keeps walking. Realizing she’s falling behind, Kiera jogs to catch up. A sad smile stains Chases face, and she suddenly wonders why he has so many different smiles. There is nothing to smile about.

“You don’t like me, do you” he asks, looking straight ahead. Kiera copies the action. She says nothing; sure Chase won’t like her opinion of him. Ahead of them, Kadar’s walking next to Cody, his jaw working overtime. On the other side of Cody, Romy’s barking something back at him. She suddenly can’t help imagine the two going wolf crazy and lunging at each other with the intent to kill. “Kiera?” Chase’s hand suddenly waves in front of her face.

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