"No," Scott cried, realizing what his best friend was going to do.

        Sage felt her back burning, a hot sweat beginning to spread throughout her body. Stumbling over to the window, she squeezed herself a spot in between the two boys where she could clearly see what Scott was so worked up about. 

        Her voice cracked when she spoke. "Stiles, you're not going out there." 

        "Yes, I am," Stiles objected, keeping his eyes on the tool.

         Sage shook her head, and grabbed a hold of his bicep, mainly because she could barely keep upright and because she needed for him to finally look at her. 

        When Stiles did indeed turn to her, he knew that if he didn't feel sick then, he definitely did now. Sage looked like a walking corpse. Her eyes were rimmed with bags, making them look as if someone landed a hard punch at them. He could barely look down any farther than that because it only got worse from there. The blonde's lips so stained a crimson red, along with the whole bottom of her chin and the top of her tank top that she looked like she could be the star of a horror movie.

         He knew that if she turned around, the entirety of her back would be scarlet. 

        The thought of her dying set him in a panic.  

        "I'm not letting you go out there and risk your life, okay?" Sage said, raising her eyebrows as she let another noticeable wince. "I'm dying, Stiles. That means if I go out and get the pliers, and the alpha shows up, it won't matter if he kills me. So, please, let me do this." 


        "Let her do it," Scott agreed, making Sage turn her head around.

        He gave a curt nod, and she felt relieved that he was letting her. There was always the possibility that even if the alpha shows up, he won't kill her. Although, the thing at the movie store might have just been a one-time thing and he was just feeling generous after killing someone. 

        Sage took a deep breath, ignoring Stiles' protests.

        She opened the door, slipping out and into the open. The pliers really weren't as far away as she originally thought they were, and she stumbled and cringed her way to them, feeling a burning sensation crawl up her neck when she bent down to pick them up. When she managed to stand again, she saw the alpha crawling out of the darkness from around Stiles' jeep. 

        Sage didn't even flinch when she saw it either. 

        Slowly backing up, keeping her eyes trained on the animal, she did the worst thing she could possibly think of. She looked to her right, and saw Derek's body laying there, motionless. Her whole world crashed to the ground, making her nearly lose her balance after tripping over her feet.

         Turning back around to the alpha who stayed in the same place behind Stiles' jeep, she could feel his red eyes inspecting her every move, watching as she ground her teeth together. Finally, she did the one thing she least expected. 

        She spat out the blood in her mouth, roaring the alpha to life.

        Then, she was being tugged inside, not even noticing her back was pressed against the door. Stiles had grabbed a hold of her arm, tugging her inside while Scott pulled the pliers out of her grasp, securing them in the door. Hands wrapped around her body, and she felt someone breathing into her neck in relief. She immediately knew that it was Stiles, and as much as she wished she could hug him back, every fiber of her was protesting any more movement. 

Sage ▸ Stiles Stilinski [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now