Chapter 1

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I got up and slowly made my way to my shower. I had to be at school at 7:30 a.m. and it was already 6:30. After drying my air I decided to slip on some skinny white jeans and a teal sleeveless collar blouse. I then slipped on some brown wedges and added some colorful jewelry. Today I decided to wear my hair down natural looking curls. I grabbed my coach purse and iphone and was out the door. 

  I got downstairs and grabbed a muffin, "Hey Mom" i said as i was heading towards the door to my car. "Hey honey! Make sure you have lunch money, see you this afternoon, love you!" she said back. I got to my white mercedes benz and drove off. 

 I pulled into the school parking lot. I slowly stepped out of my car with purse in hand. Thats when everyones jaw dropped. As usual. I was the queen of this school, everyone knew me and i knew everyone. The girls wanted to be me and the guys wanted to date me. I hadnt dated anyone since last year, John, he was a nerd but a pure gentlemen. I didnt work out needless to say. As I was walking up to the front door of the school, Shelby Reed, my schools b**** stopped me before i reached the handle. "Well if it isn't Queen bee, Brooke Hill." shelby said loud enough to draw a crowd. I was not in the mood for Shelby's crap today. "What do you want Shelby?" i said. "Oh well i sure didnt want to talk to you. I just wanted to---" she managed to say as she spilt her starbucks coffee onto my white jeans. Thats it, Shelby has officially ticked me off.

  I handed my bags to Will, senior and Nicks bestfriend who was standing behind me. Before I turned around he whisped "come on brooke she isnt worth it". Yeah well I gave him a assuring smile and turned back around. "Look you littl b****, i dont know what you are trying to prove, but your on my turf, im captain here and your just gonna have to deal with it. I dont care if your a senior but your on my hit list, i will ruin your senior year. Now move out of my way before i slap that ugly face of yours." I hollered back at her furiously. "Aw Brooke can speak, but my turn, i dont care if you think you run this school, im hotter than you, older than you, and i can do more than just throw pom-poms in the air. You back the h*** away. NO ONE LIKES YOU BROOKE!" she screamed. She is so immature, no one likes you, blah blah blah, if no one likes me then why was i voted homecoming queen 2 years in a row, why come i was voted cheer captain, why do i have the lunch table full of jocks drooling over me?? So instead of hollering back at her I decided to do this---


I slapped that sl** right on the face, then decided that wasnt enough so i simply punched her in the face as well. At that point she was on the ground rolling. didnt realize what hit her. I turned to Will who was still standing there with his jaw dropped like everyone else, got my bags and simply walked away after stepping over her and saying "Honey, you are the only one nodody likes, you cant even get voted homecoming queen, oh yeah your totally captain of this school."  and walked away. 

  By 7th period my brother text me. Oh did I mention? Shelby is Nick's girlfriend. Nick: Brooke why the h*** did you do that to shelby? .... I decided to text back, Brooke: Nick, the b**** got in my way, she thinks she can run this school. I am not letting her steal my spotlight. Haven't you heard? I kicked her butt. ha. .... I think i got my message across to him. I was in physics and noticed a note got passed to me. I asked my lap partner Jess, soccer player, who it was from. He then whispered in my ear "Will told me to give it to you. by the way nice job with shelby earlier." Job? yea well it kinda was a job well done.

 The note said this:   Hey brooke, sorry to bother you, meet me in gym after school? xo will

Even though Will and I never dated we both liked eachother. never admitted it but we did. Will was Nicks best friend and a senior, so it just didnt feel right. But lately we have been hanging out a lot lately so I have developed more feelings for the hot jock.

I wrote back: Yea, ok. see you then. xo

Then gave it back to Jess. i was excited to meet him, i saw him plenty during the school day, he and the rest of the football and baseball team sat with me and the cheerleaders at lunch, and we had gym together so we would usually team up.

 The bell rang and we were dismissed. On my way to meet Will, i saw Shelby, what was she doing?Making out with my brother in front of my locker. Just great. I officially HATE her. I saw Kathy and Zoe (my cheer friends and best friends) so I stopped and talked with them and then started heading towards the gym. Kathy is goregous with silky black hair and the perfect tan, skinny and a great singer. Zoe was a red head, she acts a little dumb sometimes, but she is a goregous red head and very good at the guitar. They might not be as popular and as hot as me, but they were my best friends, we have known eachother since 4th grade.


Hope you enjoyed chapter 1 of Having it All. Wonder if Will and Brooke start dating????

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