The Moment I Fell in Love with You

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So I turned 18 yesterday... not sure how I feel about that.

"Get out!" Magnus shouted angrily.

"Fine!" Alec said back as he left, accidentally slamming the door behind him. He immediately regretted it, but left anyway.

*A few hours later*

Alec laid in his bed at the institute. He was wide awake, unable to sleep. His mind kept drifting to the fight he and Magnus had earlier the same day. Now here he was, going to bed angry, the one thing everyone tells you not to do in a relationship. Although, Alec's anger drifted into sadness over the last couple hours, and now he missed Magnus. It had been a while since Alec actually slept in his institute bed instead of Magnus'. He let out a sigh. Maybe I should call Magnus. Is it too late to call? He looked at his phone. It was almost midnight.

Magnus laid in his bed. Chairman Meow was at his feet, snoring slightly. Magnus, however, could not sleep. He couldn't stop thinking about Alec. Truthfully, he couldn't even remember what they were fighting over. It was probably something simple that they let get out of hand. His rolled over to look at his phone, and contemplated calling Alec to apologize.

Alec decided against calling Magnus. Instead he got out of his bed, threw on a jacket from his floor, and left the institute to go apologize to Magnus in person.

Magnus pressed on Alec's contact, finally calling him, a smile playing on his lips. It rang a few times. Magnus' smile fell as the call went to voicemail. Magnus sighed and flopped back down on his bed. This can't be it. It can't end like this. I still have feelings for him, I don't want him to go yet, Magnus thought.

About an hour later, Alec arrived at Magnus' apartment. He knocked. There was no answer. He tried the door. It was unlocked. Alec opened the door and walked in.

"Magnus?" he called, hoping the warlock wasn't sleeping.

In the bedroom, Magnus lifted his head. "Alexander?" he called back. Alec appeared at the bedroom door. "What are you doing here?" Magnus asked, a smile forming on his lips. He got up and let Alec through the door.

"I wanted to apologize."

"I tried to call you."

Alec felt his pockets for his phone. They were all empty. "I left my phone at the institute. What did you call about?"

"I wanted to apologize to you. I honestly don't remember what we were fighting over."

"I don't remember, either."

"I am sorry for throwing you out of the house, though."

"And I'm sorry that I actually left and didn't come back until now."

Alec stepped fully into the bedroom and wrapped his arms around Magnus.

"It's only been a day, and I already missed you," he said.

"I missed you too," Magnus said.

Chairman jumped from the bed and rubbed against Alec's legs.

"Looks like Chairman missed you too," Magnus giggled.

Alec leaned over and rubbed the cat between the ears.

Tiredness quickly fell over both Magnus and Alec. They climbed into bed, both immediately feeling more comfortable together than they did apart.

"I actually couldn't fall asleep without your arms around me," Magnus said in a tone that suggested he was making fun of himself.

"I couldn't sleep without you, either," Alec laughed. "I did realized something today, though."


Alec turned to look Magnus in the eyes, "I realized that I love you. What I felt, as soon as I left, I knew that I loved you right then."

Magnus smiled, "I love you, too, Alexander." He fell in love with Alec a while ago, but he didn't want to scare him. He was Alec's first, after all. He leaned over and pecked Alec's lips. Before laying back down. Soon, he heard Alec's small snores and allowed himself to finally fall asleep.

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