Intuition Part 2

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Suggested by: @rochel66

Alec tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

"What's wrong, Alexander?" Magnus' voice broke the dark silence.

"Did I wake you?" Alec asked.

"Yes, but it's okay, what's wrong?" Magnus repeated.

"I'm worried about our baby."

Alec heard Magnus sit up in bed, and did the same. Magnus reached over and turned on the bedside light.

"Look, we can't decide our baby's fate. What will happen will happen. But, no matter what happens, remember that you and I are in this together, and that I'll always be here for you, okay?"

"I love you, Magnus," Alec whispered, scooting closer to Magnus and burying his head into the crook of Magnus' neck.

"I love you, too. And hey, you already got pregnant, even though you're a man, so maybe, by some miracle, everything will be alright."

"Don't you think two miracles is too much to ask for?"

Magnus thought about this, "Maybe, but you still have Max to worry about."

Alec smiled, "Thank you Magnus."

Magnus turned out the light and he and Alec laid down in their bed. Magnus moved closer to Alec and laid his head on his chest. Soon, Alec's breathing became slow and heavy, letting Magnus know he finally feel asleep. Slowly, Magnus moved his hand to touch Alec's stomach. He could feel the slight baby bump that was forming. Please be okay, Magnus begged silently.

Eventually, Magnus also fell asleep, his hand still resting on Alec's stomach, wanting nothing more than to have his child live.

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