A Healing Kiss

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"Who dares disturb the High Warlock of Brooklyn?" I boomed into my phone. 

"Magnus, knock it off. It's Izzy. We just got back from a mission, and we need your help." 

"Well, this will cost you," I said. 

"It's Alec," Izzy said. 

"Alec?" I could hear the nervousness and shock in my own voice. "I'll be right there." Immediately, I made sure I looked okay, and portalled to the institute. 

When I arrived, Izzy took me to the infirmary. Alec was lying on one of the beds, seemingly unconscious. He didn't seem to have any major injuries. 

"What happened to him?" I asked. 

"We were trying to destroy a witch who was sending demons all over the city. He said something to her that pissed her off. She mumbled something, and he collapsed," Jace explained. "I tried an iratze, but it didn't do anything." 

I sighed, "She placed some kind of spell on him." I took off my jacket and rolled up my shirt sleeves. "I need everyone to leave me to my work," I said, already flexing my fingers. Everyone hesitantly left the room. 

Blue sparks flew as I put everything I had into breaking the spell on Alec. Unfortunately, I didn't know what spell the witch had used, which made breaking it very difficult.
A couple hours passed with no progress. I wish I knew what Alec said to the witch, as it could hint to what she did to him. Eventually I collapsed next to Alec's bed. I grabbed his hand in mine.

 "Please, Alec. I don't want to lose you. I can't say goodbye so soon." 

Slowly, I leaned forward until my lips met Alec's. His lips were warm against my own. When I pulled away, I silently hoped that he'd just magically wake up. Tears began to well up in my eyes. 

"Magnus?" Alec's lips parted slightly as he said my name. His voice was hoarse. 

"Alexander?" I exclaimed. His eyes slowly opened. He smiled slightly. "Alexander, what the hell did you say to a witch to make her put a spell on you." 

"I may have told her that nobody could love an old, evil hag like her." 

I laughed, "I don't even want to know the context, but I think to break the spell I had to kiss you." 

"What do you mean?" 

"I'm pretty sure if you mentioned nobody loving her, she would've retaliated by putting a spell on you that could be broken by a kiss from somebody who loves you." 

"You love me?" he asked. 

I rolled my eyes, "Of course I do, you stupid nephilim." His arms wrapped around my waist. I leaned forward and kiss him again.


"It got really quiet," Clary whispered to Izzy, Jace and Simon. 

"Do you think something's wrong?" asked Izzy. "What if Alec is dead?" 

"He can't be, I didn't feel anything," said Jace. 

"Should we check on them?" suggested Simon.

The group was in agreement, so Clary opened the doors to the infirmary. Everyone's eyes landed on Magnus and Alec, who were still kissing. Jace coughed to announce their presence. Alec quickly pulled away from Magnus and looked at his group of friends. 

"You weren't supposed to find out this way!" he said. 

"I called it!" shouted Izzy. 

Alec flopped back on the bed and covered his face with his hands as Magnus giggled. 

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