Brendon lived a good fifteen or so minutes from Tyler and the brunette did not want to walk but really had no other choice. He was about halfway there and had just entered downtown. Tyler made his way down all the closed buildings, passing ones like a small café, a shoe shop, and a pharmacy.

It was when he passed the music store on the corner he heard what sounded like footsteps behind him. Quickly, he spun around to see what it was.


He let out a sigh in relief before he continued walking, turning the corner. Tyler just had to make it two more blocks before he was out of downtown and then he'd be in his neighborhood.

A few stores later, he heard the sound again and picked up his pace. He was terrified. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," he whispered to himself as he speed walked. What if I get kidnapped? He thought. I'm not even cute who wants to kidnap me? What if I get raped? That's worse! Holy shit I can't get raped. What if it's a creepy old man? Oh my fuck if someone rapes me everyone will think I like dick. Nobody can know that. I should have brought a house key to hold between my fingers. That's what Maddy does. Fuck. Walk faster, Tyler, walk faster!

Suddenly, a deep laugh echoed through the air and Tyler's heart stopped and began beating vigorously all at the same time. He began running, hoping to get to his house before he pissed himself out of fear.

He saw the last building that was downtown and he just had to make it past the bank and the gas station then he was safe. Running faster, he was nearing the end and was already imagining sitting in bed, snug and secure.

Out of no where, something came from his right and slammed him against the brick wall to stop him from going any further. His head hit the wall and he groaned in pain, more focused on not seeing spots than the person pinning him to the wall. There was another laugh and he realized it was the same one as before. Finally, his eyes centered on the person in front of him and he was surprised to say the least.

It wasn't a creepy old man.

Just a creepy young man. And if Tyler wasn't petrified he would have thought he was cute.

The guy had red hair that was covered with a backwards snapback, black plugs in his ear lobes, and a nose ring. His arms were on either side of the wall while he pinned Tyler against it with his body. Tyler noticed he had tattoos littering each arm, yet finding it weird he wasn't wearing a jacket since Tyler was shivering from cold beforehand and now from terror.

Tyler also noticed the giant smirk on his face and the evil glint in his eye. "You're hilarious, you know that?" He finally spoke in a deep voice, matching the laugh he let out earlier.

"W-what?" Tyler stuttered, not knowing how else to respond.

"So you find me cute, huh?"

"No," his face heat up.

"You have so much going on up there," he reached up and tapped Tyler's head, resulting in the brunette flinching.

"What are you talking about?"

"You're really scared aren't you?" He smiled mischievously.

"Of course I'm fucking scared!" Tyler yelled, feeling this surge of confidence. Probably from adrenaline and survival instincts. "You follow me down the street at two thirty in the god damn morning and then pin me to a wall! And now you're acting like a crackhead! What the hell do you want? Whatever you're gonna do just get it done and over with..." he began yelling but ended in a voice that was only above a whisper. He was terrified and he really didn't want to get kidnapped or raped or killed.

"I'm not gonna rape or kidnap you, calm down," he shook his head. "You like boys? That's cute. Why don't you want anyone to know?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" His heart rate picked up. He saw the guy's breath hitch as he closed his eyes for a second.

"You know," he opened his eyes and they were a hazy red. "I don't usually play with my food. But you're just too entertaining not to."

That's when it clicked. "Holy shit are you–"

He smirked. "How'd you know? Was it the red eyes? The mind reading? The ability to stay warm while you're shivering your ass off?"

Tyler's eyes widened. "Please don't hurt me," his lip quivered. "I'm only sixteen. I don't wanna die."

"You're sixteen? Fuck," the guy took a step back but still blocked Tyler from going anywhere. "You're so young," sadness flashed through his eyes and they slowly turned back into a gentle brown. "Shit," he laughed. "I haven't gotten this soft over someone in forever. I killed some girl who looked around your age the other night and I didn't even think..."

Tyler didn't know what to say. It looked like the guy in front of him was having a mental battle with himself as he stayed quiet for a few seconds. He should have used this chance to try and escape but he was too in shock to even move.

"Go," he finally said, stepping back completely.


"I said go, Tyler. Before I change my mind and rip your throat apart."

"How do you know–"

He only pointed to his own head. If he didn't have a million emotions coursing through him he would have thought it was funny that he knew Tyler's name but Tyler didn't know his.

"Josh," he spoke. "Don't tell anyone though," he smiled. "We don't exist, remember? Made up. Phony."

Tyler was about to ask something else since he had so many questions but he chose to just smile back. "Thank you. Y'know for not killing me."

"You're thanking a vampire for not killing you instead of hauling your ass out of here," he laughed but this time it wasn't menacing like before. "Go."

Tyler began walking away towards the route he was on before. He turned around to see if Josh was still there but when he did he was only met with the surroundings from before.

hurricane ↣ joshler oneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon