#13 Your favorite moment of him and your child

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~authors note~ So I changed my mind I'm going to write everyone one for child moments and there will not be a part two for the "I'm gonna be a Daddy" update, I'm sorry if you wanted it... if you still want it comment and I will make it a future update, okay? okay.

A S H T O N:

Ashton and your  2 year old son, Jake, were playing on the living room floor, while you were making dinner. You were making Ashton's favorite when you feel arms snake around your waist. "Ashton," you say kind of quickly, "your supposed to be watching Jake... remember?". You feel his arms leave your waist and hear foot steps running back to the living room. You hear Jake squeal in delight like when Ash tickles him, you turn around putting a hot pan on the counter. It gets really quit for a few minutes, like, scary quit, but you trust Ashton. Then the monsters come into the kitchen and Ash goes "Jake tell Mumma what you told me," Ash looks at you with a huge smile, "My Mumma is the best Mumma, Daddy and me are lucky and love her a lot."

M I C H A E L:

"Dad?" Your 13 year old daughter, Michelle, asks your husband. "Yea, babe, what's up?" Mikey replies, pausing his video game. "I don't feel the best do you think we could.. um.. cuddle?" Michael smiles and shuts off the video game entirely and gets out his bean bag chair and walks over to the couch and opens his arms as wide as he could and says, "It would be my pleasure." Your daughter giggles and snuggles up into his chest and his open arms. "You know, this is what mom and I do when she doesn't feel well." Michael smiles a little wider just at the thought of it, when he looks down he sees a sleeping Michelle in his arms and lets out a content sigh.

when you get home from grocery shopping, you walk into the living room after putting the food you bought on the counter. Just to see your husband and your daughter asleep on the couch, you let out a soft giggle, take a picture, and walk back into the kitchen to put the groceries away.... but its cute that Michelle finally asked her dad to make her feel better.

L U K E:

Your favorite moment of Luke and your daughter, Cassie, was when you went to go visit Luke on tour. It was after a show, you left Luke and Cassie, age 10, in the dressing room when you went to go to the bathroom. When you came back Ashton was asleep on the couch in the dressing room and Luke and Cassie were drawing on his face with multi-colored sharpies. Luke turned around and smiled and you before putting one finger to his lips signaling for you to be quit then jabbing a marker in your direction. You grabbed the marker from Luke then whispered in his ear, "Ash is going to kill us later" You smile at Luke and he whispers back, " Not if he doesn't find out it was us" He winks and all three of you lean in to finish drawing on Ashton's face. When Ashton wakes up he goes to the bathroom and screams when he looks in the mirror, "LUKE!!!". he looks at you and Cassie and says, "busted" while tickling your daughter. Ashton walks out of the bathroom and Cassie looks at him and says, "Hey, Uncle Ash, I like your new look were can I get it" Luke high-fives Cassie before getting chased out of the room by Ashton.

C A L U M:

Your 15 year old daughter, Paige, walks into the kitchen after school to find you and Cal. She puts her bag down and looks straight and you and Calum and says, "Mum, Dad, I want to learn how to play the bass." She says proudly, and you see Cal's eyes light up because this is your 3rd child and neither of the first two wanted to learn, " But before you get ahead of your selves, I just want you to know once I officially know how to play, I am joining a band they already said I could join, I just need to learn how to play," Paige says a little less proudly, but still, pretty proudly. "Baby, that's amazing!" You smile at her and she smiles a little, but then turns to her father and says "What do you think Dad?" and bites her lip. "Do you think I would tell you, you could not play, that would make me a hypocrite" Paige smile goes from ear to ear as she jumps up and down and asks Calum "When do we start?"

"After dinner, alright, but make sure your homework is done first." He smiles at her eagerness, "Alright, I'll go get my homework done and get back to you." She smiles, grabs her bag and skips upstairs to her room. "

~a/n part2~ OMG, THANK YOU FOR 1.5K READS I THINK I COULD HUG ALL OF YOU *hug* THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! Oh yea, Don't forget to comment me ideas for future preferences, hope you like/liked it :)

I'm out... peace,


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