Where's My Brother

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Collins POV

I woke up the next morning to a cool breeze coming in my window, tear streaks were left on my face, and my heart ached. I still couldn't wrap my head around what happened, I really wanted to think it was all a dream. I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen, nothing in the fridge looked good, I really wasn't hungry at all. Just thinking about Devan made me feel sick. A small tear ran down the side of my cheek, I didn't know what to think, what should I even be doing right now?

"Are you ok Collins?" asked my mom standing behind me, she startled me and my water glass dropped to the ground shattering everywhere. Mom set her stuff down and took off her jacket, she ran to get the vacuum cleaner as I started to pick up the bigger pieces.

"Collins." said my mom as she put the vacuum cleaner away, "we got news from the police." My stomach dropped, "well, bad news. They can't find any evidence of who did it, and they're afraid this could be an impossible case." tears stared to run down her face as she got choked up on the last few words. I hugged her tightly as she wiped her tears away.

"There's even more bad news." she said as more tears spilled over her eyes and down her cheeks, "they found his phone at the car as well."

"You mean..."

"Our chances of finding him are nearly impossible."

Devan's POV

My stomach growled angrily, and my head pounded with a headache. This basement was so dull, not a window in sight, just one small yellow light that strained your eyes. The two guys had been gone for a long time, I don't know whether I dread them coming back or hope they bring me something small to eat, I'd be happy with anything right now. But I thought that too soon, the basement door swung open and slammed into the wall behind it.

"Here you little rat." said the first guy as he threw a container at me, it hit the floor and popped open, the food spilling all over the floor. The guy slammed the door shut again giving me a threatening stare. I scooted closer to the food only to realize it was old leftover mashed potatoes, It was better than nothing though.

Later that day after I had explored every corner of that room looking for a way to escape, both of the guys came to the basement, the first guy shoved me to the floor.

'I ain't letting you off easy boy, I think its about time we let you know who's boss." my heart pounded wildly, but before I could realize what was happening, the second guy slapped me clean across the face with a nasty blow.

"By the way." said the second guy, "you can call me Clint, and he's Rico."

"Why would you tell me your names?" I asked only to realize how stupid that was.

"You honestly think we would tell you our real names?" said Rico grabbing my arm and twisting it enough to hurt. He pushed me back to the ground and gave my side an aggressive kick taking the breath out of my lungs, I coughed as I tried to find my breath again and grabbed my side in pain.

"You're lucky this time." Said Clint, "Tomorrow I'll be taking care of you. And by the way." Clint turned around before walking out the door, "You're all over the news." he laughed before shutting the door. My side hurt badly now, but there was nothing I could do. I hope Collins is ok, And I hope someone finds me soon, what if they never do? What if they kill me? Will I be stuck here until I die. All these thoughts whirled around in my mind, and yet I had no idea what to do.

Thanks for reading my story, let me know what you think so far and what I could change to make it even more interesting. Should the chapters be longer?

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