Chapter 10

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We sat down in our seats out of breath after a bit of trouble with security that set us back a bit. Who knew that Jake asking the officer who was doing the pat down if she had found anything suspious about his ass would lead to questioning?

Jake's little "run in" with the law we were set behind about half an hour and had about three minutes to make it on time for our flight.  Logan and Jake prided themselves in stealing two luggage carts, making Andrea and I stand on them while they held on from behind, pushing us through crowds of people (knocking over a fat man with a slice of pizza halfway towards his mouth).

We'd made just in time for our rows to be called. The man took our tickets, checked them and gave them back to us as we walked over to our seats. I sat down, noticing that I was assigned to sit next to Andrea. The guys sat across the aisle from us, ogling at the girls passing by.

I could only watch as Jake stared at one girl and asked Logan," Bro, do she got the booty?"

Logan, who had the aisle seat looked behind him, blatantly staring at a girl's butt before turning back towards Jake. "She doooooo! "

I cleared my throat loudly, gaining the attention of both of my band members.

"What?" Jake asked, looking confused.

I raised my eyebrow, looking between him and Logan, "Do she got the booty? Really?"

"It's from Tumblr! Where all us insane people connect and have the time of our lives together while still managing to social outcasts! " Logan said, a smile forming on his face.

"Oh my god!! You have a Tumblr?! What's your name?" Andrea asked, whipping her phone out quickly. 

They exchanged screen names, reblogging and laughing at their phones every few minutes. The flight attendant stood at the front of the plane, explaining how to use the oxygen masks if need be and where the life vests where.

Andrea leaned over towards me and whispered, "As if I didn't know all of this crap.  I've been on a plane ten times in the past year."

She took in me and Jake's terrified focus on what the flight attendant was saying. She made it seem like we could go crashing down at any given moment . "You've never been on a plane have you?

Oh my god, that is about to change. It's not that bad after you get over the take off,  turbulence can be kinda scary at first but it's honestly nothing to worry about."

The flight attendant finally wished us a good flight and went back to wherever she came from. I felt my stomach drop as the plane started taking off. I held onto the armrests as I watched the plane leave the ground for the first time ever. Jake seemed to be having a similar experience as me, freaking out for a second then staring out the window in complete awe. Andrea and Logan were both playing on their phones, completely obvious to the world.

Eventually,  I got used to staring at the stars and started drifting to sleep. The sun had set long ago, leaving my mind filled with pinks and yellows and oranges. The droning of the plane and hushed voices of the other passengers finally set me into a deep slumber.


"Liz, wake up. We have about like thirty minutes before we land, " a voice said. I sat up, stretching and looking next to me. Logan. It's like the boy just won't leave me alone.

"Wasn't I sitting next to Andrea? " I asked confusion laced in my voice.

Logan simply smirked, pointing behind him, and deciding no explanation was needed. I looked across the aisle, seeing Andrea leaning on Jake, her blonde hair covering his chest. She looked at us and mouthed, Get him off of me. My brother was dead to the world, one arm wrapped around Andrea like a teddy bear, the other simply laying on his chest.

I looked up, checking that the seat belt icon wasn't on and stepped into the aisle. I leaned over towards the couple and shook Jake a couple of times before  heading back to my seat. But at that moment the plane hit a bump.

How on EARTH does a plane hit a bump in the AIR?

The plane shook, throwing me off my feet and onto, you guessed it, Logan. Jake woke up, hitting his head on the window and letting go of Andrea,  who leaned away quickly, finally free from my brother's embrace. Jake had seconds before his eyes zeroed in on me. I, still in complete shock didn't notice that I was sitting on Logan's lap until Jake asked in a deadly voice.

"What. Are. You. Doing?"

My cheeks flared, as I mumbled jibberish and moved back to my seat. Logan, who was about to open his mouth to explain what had happened was cut off by another voice.

" Did you know that you drool in your sleep? Cause you do. One minute we're sitting here talking and suddenly you doze off and start drooling. And then I wake up and find you hugging me like I'm some sort of stuffed animal like really, I've been treated many ways but never like a little toy made for five year old who have nightmares or need comfort," Andrea said, taking Jake's complete and utter attention. She looked at me with a face that said, You're lucky I'm here or you'd be screwed.

A voice cut everyone's conversations to a halt. "Ladies and gentleman,  we will be landing in approximately ten minutes please strap in your seatbelts and prepare for our decent. Welcome to Los Angeles, California. "

A cheer rang out throughout the plane as everyone strapped in and started getting ready to leave.

We're here. All that's left is to win that competition.  Piece of cake.

"Guys, get your luggage I wanna see the city as soon as possible," Andrea said, grabbing her backpack and sitting up straighter.

"Yeah, yeah. We know but first we gotta find whoever it it from the show who's come to pick us up," Jake said.

"Either way, we're here. Let's try to make this last an infinity. Okay?" Logan asked.

"Okay," we all said in unison.

Author's Note:
Chapter 10 is up! It's unedited and probably horrible but.... I forgot what I was gonna say.

Happy Late Fourth of July ! Everyone I know got to see fireworks while I got to hear fireworks from my house. So yea.. It's hard to believe summer is almost half way over! I still have so much summer reading I have to do and just urrrrrggggg, eighth grade had better be worth all this work.

Question Of The Day:

What have you done or have planned for this summer?

I have... nothing. OH! I plan to get to level 200 of Candy Crush before the month is over! I'm on 150 so I'm almost there. Who else here plays Candy Crush ?

Vote, Comment, & Follow!


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