Chapter 24

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"And so, we're sorry for any misunderstanding but we want you all to know that never, under any circumstances have we bullied anyone," I stated solemnly.

"And we never will. But if our word won't cause you to believe us, then maybe this will," Andrea said.

Logan pulled out a photo album. Flipping through the pages, he found what he was looking for.

"Summer of 2005, my sister and I. I was six, she was seven. Tell me does that look like a brother that hates his older sister?"

Before he showed the photograph I caught a glimpse.

A little boy was standing in the sand, hugging the living daylights out of a girl. She was grinning ear to ear, her brown hair flowing in the wind, blue eyes shining in delight. An older boy was playing in the ocean, blissful in the blue waves and accompanied by a blonde girl. She appeared to be a year or so older than the boy.

"If that's not enough for you how about we fast forward to 2010, five years later," he stated holding up another picture.

This one was different, it was Christmas time and everyone was wearing Santa hats. The unnamed blonde girl was still there, looikgn sickly but smiling gently as she gazed at the younger pair. The boy, who I'm assuming was Cam, Logan's older brother, was searching under the tree for something. Logan was being ambushed with kisses from Tiffany who was holding onto what appeared to be a necklace. Colorful wrapping paper was thrown around the room, a fire burning in the background.

Picture after picture he showed, telling a story without words. One was at a hospital, the unnamed girl being carried away on a gurney ad Tiffany sobbed on the ground, being comforted by her brothers.

Then in a hospital room, the girl was laying there, looking weak as she held Logan and Cam's hands. Her hair was gone, a bright blue beanie taking its place. She looked older, at least seventeen or at the oldest nineteen. The others looked young, Logan most likely twelve and Tiffany thirteen. I had no idea how old Cam was.

"M-my sister, Annabelle," Logan started, flipping through the pictures," she, we lost her four years ago. She battled with leukemia, and... My entire family changed. My parents were there even less, not that it mattered. Cam grew separate from us. And Tiffany tried her hardest to turn into her, but she decided against the one thing that made Anne, Anne. Kindness. Tiffany hated that the kindest person we knew had left us, and so she decided that if Annabelle was gone, that there shouldn't be any."

I turned with watery eyes towards Andrea. How could we not have known?

Logan started to choke up, unable to continue. "She um... she... after the.." His eyes welled up, and I stepped in, motioning for Andrea to take Logan out for some air.

Clearing my throat, I stared into the camera unsure of what to say. "Tell me please, does Logan seem as though he would physically harm his sister? After what they've been through, does he? "

"None of us have ever attacked anyone, nor will we ever." Jake chimed in, trying to give a bright smile.

"Exactly. This is Liz and Jake O'Connor signing off." Slowly I turned off the camera, connecting it to Andrea's laptop so she could edit it before we put it online. I stretched across the bed, the purple covers comforting me.

"So, do you really think this will work?" Jake asked me, his gray eyes widening.

"Well, honestly... I'm not even sure. Of course, that might get Logan off the hook but we don't have an excuse."

"I have a plan, but I'm not sure if it'll work-" Jake started, running a hand through his hair.

"What's that sound?" I asked, hearing shouts and thumps coming from the hall. Suddenly, a echoing shout was heard.

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