He takes a seat of the floor and crosses his legs, sitting Indian style. We both stay quiet for a little while, just basking in the silence. I can hear every drop of water from the faucet as we sit there in somber silence. After what feels like forever, Jason finds the courage to speak up.

"Listen Adeline," he begins. "I know that we aren't the best guardians, or even brothers for that matter but, we're trying. We just need you to work with us on this." He smiles at me with so much kindness that it catches me off guard. He looks so relaxed and happy. But I can't smile back. I have no reason to smile. Not anymore. Jason frowns sadly.

Without another word, he stands up and leaves the bathroom, closing the door softly behind him. I sit on the floor for a few more minutes before finally deciding to stand up.

Soon I leave the bathroom and begin making my way back to my room. As I'm about to open the door, I notice a slightly cracked door that sits across the hall from mine. Glancing down the hallway, I check to see if either of my brothers are coming. When I don't hear their approaching footsteps, I cross the hall and towards the wooden door. Slowly I open the door, cringing at the slightly loud creak that sounds when I push. I glance back again, expecting for one of my brothers to come running upstairs. I don't hear them. The door is open now, but something is telling me that I shouldn't go inside. As I step into the room there is a large weight on my chest that doesn't seem to go away. Once I'm completely inside I quietly close the door.

I look around the light blue room with curiosity, inspecting everything inside of it. The large bed is slightly messy with the covers pushed back completely. It looks like someone just rolled out of bed and never even bothered to fix it. I scowl when I look at the floor, noticing all of the clothes that litter the floor. How does anyone live in such mess? Ignoring the urge to pick up the clothes, I keep looking around the room. I walk towards the small nightstand that sits next to the bed. There is a picture frame on it and I pick it up.

There are 2 boys in the picture that look exactly alike, the only difference between them being that one boy is wearing a blue shirt while the other wears red. It doesn't take long for me to figure out that the boys are Alex and Jason. They stand in an open field, the blue sky clear behind them. In the background I notice something odd. There's a small figure behind the boys sitting alone in the grass.

I put down the picture and continue looking around the room. I walk over towards the bed. I put my hands on the mattress and push down. The mattress is so soft. It almost feels like it's made just entirely of foam. Without thinking, I plop down on the bed. It's so soft...it could lure me to sleep. My eyes droop but I fight to stay awake. Despite my comfort, I push myself up and get off the bed.

Before my feet can touch the floor, they hit something solid and hard. I wince and look at what I accidentally just kicked. Slightly under the bed is a small black box. I curiously pick it up. It's a little heavy. I shake the box gently not hearing anything in particular. But I know for sure that there's something inside of it. I turn the box around, hoping to find the opening. On the other side of the box is a tiny keyhole that I didn't notice. I look around for the key but I can't find it anywhere. I hear the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs and I begin to panic. I quickly put down the box and slide it back under the bed.

When I stand up, I notice that the footsteps are coming closer and closer to the room that I'm in. Looking around to see where I can hide, I notice a walk-in closet. I can't go in there. What if one of my brothers open it and see me. The doorknob turns, and I'm left with no choice. I quickly rush into the closet. As soon as the closet doors close the bedroom door opens. I squat down and peep through the small crack in the door.

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