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My mom was cooking downstairs in the kitchen and I stay in room with my Barbie dolls. I brushed her blonde hair carefully and but her shoes on her porcelain legs.


Must be my window.

"RA-AH!" He shouted from outside. I ran towards the window and open it. Waved at the boy who threw it. It's always a habit ever since I moved here. His room window face mine so that we can talk late night or just ask what are we doing. He always ask me to play outside but when the sun was too happy and brightly shine I ignored him.

"WAE?!" I shouted back at him.


I stared at the sky for a while and agreed him. "WHAT DO YO WANT TO PLAY?"

He smiled.

"BRING YOUR BIKE! I'LL WAIT OUTSIDE!" I gave a thumb and quickly brush my hair. I don't know why I always want to look good in front of him so I changed into my favorite blue dress that reach my knee. I left my dark brown wavy hair free and quickly ran downstairs to grab my bike.


My mom who was whisking eggs titled her head. "DON'T COME HOME LATE HONEY!"

I nodded happily and ran outside with my bicycle. Then I saw him.

Bright eyes, brown hair,  a sweet baby lion like smile. Mark.

We started our bike and cycling around the neighborhood. It's always find to spend time with him.

12 years later ...

We decided to go home after finishing our ice cream.

"THE LOSER PAY FOR THE FOOD THROUGH THE WHOLE WEEK!" He immediately jumped to his bike and rode it as fast as he could. Leaving me who was not ready and mad.

            "MARK YOU DICK!" He just laugh and his head turned back at me who was out of breathe behind him. And shit he won.

            "YES! Free food for the whole week!" Mark clapped his hands and stop the bike in front of his house gate. I tried to catch me breath.

"You're cheating! That's not fair!" He pulled out his tongue and his pupils met in the middle. He made this funny voice to tease me and I tried to hit him on the head.

I slapped him instead.

"Aish, jinjja?" He rubbed his redden cheeks. "That hurts!" He gave me puppy eyes.

"Yeah whatever! You deserve it anyway!"

He about to speak up until a truck along with car stopped in front of a house with a "SOLD" signed. A man around his 50 took the sign car after he jumped out of the truck. He opened the luggage and with the help of his friends, they moved all the heavy furniture out of it.


"WOOWWW! Seems like we got a new neighbor! Hell yeah!" I gave a 'seriously wtf' face at him and he just shrugged while smiling widely. Probably amaze with the truck size. Curious with the new neighbor, we wait until the car revealed the new owner of the house. First, a tall man around his 40 with a hat and neat beard.

Second one is woman who's probably not far from his husband's age with a sunglasses.

Third, a young boy with a dragon ball toy. He pulled out his tongue towards the car and ran, like we was afraid to be chase.

"Looks like it's just 3 people!" Mark spoke. My eyes still wandering until a dog ran towards both of us right after the last person in the got out. I laughed and bend down towards the dog who was running around my leg and I picked it up to return it to the owner.

I cannot see the owner at first. Only the shoes and judging from the posture I bet he is a boy. "Sorry and thanks though! Cilo always like this with new environment!" The boy spoke with a deep raspy voice.


             I was blank out for awhile. "Can I get my dog back?" He politely point at his dog.

I shook my head laugh nervously. "Oh yeah! Sorry and yeah your welcome it was nothing. You're so cute." He gave an awkward smile until I realized what did I say before. I blinked. "I mean the DOG! You're DOG is so cute! YES! Exactly, the dog!" He chuckled and pulled out a hand.

"Lucas," He smiled at me.

When I was about to reach out for his hands Mark all of a sudden stood up to shake Lucas' hand and left the bike fell to the ground. "Nice to meet you man! What's up? Anyway, I'm Mark!" I stood there with confusion.

"Who? Bark?" Lucas asked.

"Mark. It's M, A, R, K. Mark." Mark awkwardly facing Lucas tall figure.

Lucas smiled. "Owh, Mark! Okay so are you middle schooler or is it your first day at kindergarten?" I almost choke at this words. I mean, yeah, Mark is small. Still, he's taller than me.

Mark was almost let out a fist but I hold it with my hand while Lucas just chuckled with the action.

"It's okay. Totally, I understand. My dog made mistake and so as yours." I was shook and laugh a little.

Mark cleared his throat loudly, "Listen up, I'm in high school. Sophomore year. How about you Lucas, you take school education?" I laughed awkwardly at the situation and Lucas was laughing sarcastically.

"Anyway, can I have your phone number?" Lucas gave a smirk.


"SHE BROKE HER PHONE! Sorry dude! Bad luck I guess," Mark gave Lucas muscular arms a small fist with his small hands. Lucas chuckled and smiled at me,

"Okay, I understand, bark! She's all yours! But watch me out!" He smiled again before crossing the road and help his mother to pick up a box. Mark was intensely staring at Lucas' house.

"YAH!" I hit him again.

"What the?! What did I do wrong?" He rubbed his arms.

"He's new here! What is wrong with you?" I picked up his bike and cleaned from all the dust.

"What's the problem? It's not like his your long distance boyfriend or something! He's the one who was being rude! Also, you can't just give your phone number for someone you only know for a split seconds! What if he's a bad guy? Or even worst! His family was actually terrorist, secretly put target on you and make you as their dinner?!"

I spank his head.

"You watch way too many cartoons! Stop becoming like your brother and his friends!"

Neighbor Trouble (lcs ; mrk)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang