Good Night; Sweet Dreams

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"Chrome, we have a problem."

Enma swung her legs, seated on a stripey beanbag. The room was illuminated only by a purple lava lamp, the temperature slightly cooler than the outside. Glow in the dark stars were plastered against the walls, coming in more than a few neon colors. Beside Enma was a silver haired boy, his piercingly green eyes focused on a single point in the distance. "Its name is Keisari Kyo."


"My request for a single dorm had already been approved by the system, and then this new kid shows up allocated to that very dorm. Now, what should I do?" She leaned backwards, lying down onto the bed with her arms spread out beside her. For a moment, there was utter silence save for the gentle whir of air-conditioning. "As the situation stands, it is more than likely that this said person will become suspicious of my constant absence. It's would be bad enough for a citizen to be caught up in all this, and..."

The one called Chrome pulled his lips into a thin line, tucking his feet up on the bed where he sat.

"You'll get wrinkles if you're too paranoid."

"But in the worst case scenario, he could be a spy."

"For whom?" He raised a hand, pressing two fingers on the bridge of his nose in a thinking motion. "We hadn't made a move yet, so it is unlikely that anyone will be onto us. However, there is the off chance that Keisari has somehow gotten his hands on our plans to eradicate the Placebo Project, and that could become a problem."

"And matters with Versailles?"

"That part is fine. The government isn't as infantile as to allowing a sabotage like that, Enma. Especially when we're bordering a second war like this one. Just assume he's just a transfer student, and continue with the operation."

The lack of response testified enough of the girl's realization and agreement. She glanced briefly out the exposed window, alert like a wild animal startled by sudden movement. If Chrome had noticed this, he did not show it, but instead he stood up promptly, smoothing out the collar of his coat.

"Chrome," Enma threw her head around to stare at the boy. She spoke suddenly, with urgency in her voice. "Do normal people generally survive staple wounds?"

He raised an eyebrow in response, but otherwise disregarded her question. The answer by now, he reckoned, would be apparent if not painfully obvious. Enma had probably voiced her thoughts on a guilty spur of the moment.

— Was it even possible for the girl to experience remorse?

Chrome didn't know, nor did he care to find out. With a dismissive flick of the wrist, he headed over to the door.

"Stay here tonight, Enma. I'll take care of this Keisari boy."

And just like that he left out the room, slipping out silently into light. He knew every flight of stairs and corridor of the school off by heart, all to the nearest footstep. Such that finding his way to Enma's dorm was a simple task even when blindfolded. As he approached the door etched with the numbers 298, he reached behind his waist, unsheathing a dagger that resided with his belt. He pushed open the door, finding it unlocked.

As soon as he set a foot into the unlit room, a crimson blade shot down at him in an arc. The tip of the blood-red metal reflected shards of silver moonlight, fragmented by the blade's elaborative surface. Chrome brought his dagger before his chest to prevent the blade from making contact with his skin, and the weapons collided with a sharp clang.

Chrome grinned, the guard of his dagger interlocking with that of the sword. Using this as a leverage, he slowly brought both weapons downwards, studying the slightly shorter boy in front of him.


Keisari's eyes widened, and he freed the long blade from Chrome's lock with a firm pull. If one were to describe him as confused, that would be an utter understatement. He at that moment was not only delirious from the thought of from being attacked by a piece of stationary before lashing out at a person he had definitely not been expecting — A boy whose name he didn't even know. Then, probably for the greater good, only to have his attack deflected as if it had been perfectly precedented. It certainly did not help that cold fingers proceeded to brush along his neck, trailing down the smooth skin and onto his shoulder and chest. 

Taken aback, he stumbled against the wall behind, searching frantically in the emerald eyes that bore into him. He opened his mouth to speak, but found no words. For a short eternity, he merely gawked at the boy pressing against him with such fervor, before finally mustering the words to speak again.

"What are you doing?" 

"Since you asked.." Chrome replied almost imminently with a hint of amusement. And then he paused. "... Well, that's mine to know and yours to find out."

He distanced himself from Keisari, still keeping a firm hold on the other boy against the wall. So far, it had been just as he anticipated. Chrome smiled to himself.

"I apologize on behalf of Enma for stapling you. Also..." He tilted his head to the side slightly, eyes locking into Keisari's. "The blood of the Placebo Children are special, right?"

He spoke softly, almost as a whisper in the other's ear. Releasing his hold on the boy, he walked towards the bed and peeled off his jacket, tossing it blindly to a side. He lay down and pulled the duvet up to his chin, leaving Keisari to stand numbly against the wall. The cold marble provided little comfort against his feverish skin, but it was oddly reassuring nonetheless.

"... Good night."

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