0: in which she is born

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0: in which she is born

"Hello Abigale."

Her eyes opened. A shocking blue. She had awoken from a dream, not knowing when it began or whose it was, knowing only that she had slept a long time and that she had one day finally awoke. His voice was the first thing she remembered. And those eyes that were looking at the world for the first time could only see him. She blinked slowly, taking in her surroundings one fracture at a time.

He was sitting across from her in a black chair. He held a tablet in his hands, glancing between the tablet and her. Everything around her was black. It was a dark room; it took her only moments to adjust. There were two lights in the room but it remained very dim, casting the room in shadows. Maybe this was what floating in the universe or what growing inside a womb felt like. This was what the meaning of nothingness was. What was nothing? What was real?

Yes. She was Abigale. That was her. She peered at him. He looked nice, she felt compelled to greet him.

"Hello," she said, her perfectly curved lips blossoming into a smile. Her blue eyes focused on him, disregarding the dark room and the fact that she was completely naked, her skin bare and cold. Abigale saw that he looked curious.

The man gave a gentle smile. She liked his smile; it was nice and made her feel safe. Something connected he and her; she wondered what? He reached forward and pushed back a piece of her hair from her face. To look at her more clearly, she knew. If she wanted to stop him from touching her, she couldn't have anyways. Her arms were stuck by her sides, her hands clasped on top of her naked lap.

One would describe her as the epitome of perfection, tailored to be so. She was designed for the world to sigh with contentment had she smiled. She was designed for the world to laugh with her had she laughed. And had she wept, the world would want to comfort her.

Her hair fell down her back in a tawny shade, flowing in waves to adorn her porcelain skin. Abigale blinked once more, her eyes, framed by long dark lashes, shone bright and blue, seemingly brightening the world with them. A straight nose, full lips, the man sat back.

She was simply a doll. He had created simply a toy. As much as she looked it, she was not the same as him, and she never would be. She was merely disguised to be human.

"Welcome to the world."

Abigale continued to smile. She took his greeting as a chance to cast her eyes around the room, to ask a question. "Where am I?"

Her voice was the same as her appearance, a melody covered in honey and a simple country twang. Her smile was still there, but her eyebrows creased with some registered confusion.

"My home."

She shook her head slightly. "Why is your home so dark? My ranch back home is always sunny and bright, so full of life. There needs to be more color. I couldn't imagine livin' here."

"Drop the accent Abigale." He pressed a button on the screen of his tablet. "Tell me who you are."

Her smile fell and her voice became monotone without her control. "I am Abigale Allison."

I am Abigale. The words repeated in her head a thousand times. It was an identity. It was her identity.

"Tell me more," he inquired.

Images, flashes of light and color, flashed across her vision. A sister with the same hair and eyes as her, a beautiful pasture of green, a father peering down at her, her first time on the back of a horse. Memories. Her lips smiled again. Too bad these memories were never real, only implanted stories within her coding.

"I live on a ranch with my sister Amelia. I love this world, I love my family, and I love everyone I meet. There are so many possibilities for me in this new world. I am so excited to be alive." Her mouth moved, perfectly rehearsing a script. She stared blankly at him afterwards.

The man pressed one more button, casting his grey eyes back to her. "Do you want to know who I am?"

She nodded. She was in fact wondering that question.

"I am Jude," he stood up, towering over her. Abigale's eyes followed his movements. He reached out and traced her bottom lip with his thumb. His thumb was rough against her smooth lip. She could not move though. "I am your creator."

"Thank you sir, for creating me." Abigale felt obligated to thank him.

"Don't thank me Abigale," he smiled once more, "I have been waiting for you a long time. You and I are going to change the world."


a/n: not a fanfic, might use some quotes from the show bc they're so good, but not doing anything related to the show other than the idea of it. i'm so excited.

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