~~Chapter 20~~

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"Who even gave you these pictures!?" I stand up and point at them.

"It was left on our door step! I don't know who though!" she stays seated as she looks at me with hooded eyes.

"You should know me better than this!" I sit back down with a soft thud and put my face in my hands.

"Mrs. Pennington, I assure you that we didn't do anything. All we did was watch a movie and then we accidentally fell asleep." Felix tried to explain, but my mom gave him a doubtful grunt.

"Wait now." Mrs. Sandman speaks up and I look up at her from my hands. "The scenery looks nothing like my living room. From what I can see, the picture has a white leather couch, but in fact I have a maroon feathered couch. There should be a side table right beside it." She points out the flaws in the photo.

"Oh. I see." my mom leans back.

"I promise we did nothing Mrs. Pennington." Felix says in a soft voice.

"I believe you. I'm sorry for accusing you." my mom simply says.

"Sorry? Sorry! That's all you have to say? You bring Felix's mom into this! Accusing her son for some stupid pictures that aren't true?" I stand up and yell.

"Well, I-" She tries to speak but I hand my hand up, stopping her from speaking another word.

"I can't believe my own mother doesn't trust me. You brought us together for some stupid pictures! You just jumped straight to conclusions. So if you saw a picture of a girl that looked like me drinking, would you accuse me?" I look at her with fiery eyes. My own mother doesn't trust me. After everything I've gone through to gain her trust as I grew up. She never did trust me. she actually thought the pictures were true.

"It's a misunderstanding Alanis. It's fine." I turn my gaze to Felix. As we lock eyes, my face softens. I tear runs down my cheek, but I wipe it away quickly. I turn around and run up the stairs, hearing the sound of my name as my feet hit the wooden steps. I shut my bedroom door behind me and jump into my bed, crying in my pillow.

They don't understand. I thought my mom and I had a tight relationship. I thought she can trust me in everything I do. She should know that if I ever had sex, I'd tell her. But she never even gave the pictures a second thought. She even yelled at me. Yeah I yelled too, but it wasn't at her. I was mad at the fact that someone tried to do this to Felix and I. Who would do such a thing?

*Felix's P.O.V*

"Alanis." I call after her as she runs up the stairs. I saw a tear run down her cheek. A single tear fall from her eye. This must have really hurt her. I assume it's her mom's trust.

"Wow. Your child is some drama queen." My mom tries to make a joke. (I don't mean for the mom to sound mean. I'm trying to point out that they think Alanis is over reacting. I hope you understand. I'm sure Felix's mom is very generous.)

"Mom. Now is not the time." I stand up. "May I go after her?" I ask Mrs. Pennington for permission.

"Second door to the left." she tells me.

"Thank you." I head up the stairs. The second door to the left. I knock on a purple wooden door.

"Alanis." I say softly.

"Come in." she hiccups. I open the door, taking a peek before letting myself in and closing the door behind me. I sit next to the lump underqq the blanket on the bed.

"Are you okay?" I ask. She slowly uncovers herself from under the blanket and my heart shatters when I see her teary red eyes and her flushed cheeks.

"Hey. Why are you crying?" I wipe the tears the keep escaping from her eyes. She sits up and throws her arms around me, nuzzling her head in my chest. She starts sobbing and I rub her back to soothe her. After a while, her cries die down.

"Alanis?" I look down at her and her eyes are closed. I lay her down slowly and take a look at her. Her tears had dried on her pink tinted cheeks and her eyes are puffy. I frown and give her a kiss to the forehead. I stand up and she starts moving. She pats on one side of her then she pats the other. She opens her eyes and looks at me.

"Stay with me please." her voice is raspy and it cracks as she speaks. I obligated and laid beside her. I look at the ceiling as my hands are behind my back. She moans and hugs as my torso. I smile a little and cuddle with her.

Why was she crying so much? It was just a misunderstanding. I'm sure her mom meant well. It's not like we actually did it. So why all the tears? I can't put my foot on it.
*Adine's/Alanis' Mom's P.O.V*

I watch as Felix ascends the stairs to Alanis's room. I face Maria.

"I'm sorry." I apologize.

"It's okay. You don't need to say sorry. I'm sure you were just looking out for your daughter." she gives me a warm smile.

"Yes, but it's still not right to accuse my daughter and your son like that." I put my face in my hands.

"It's fine. I would have been worried too if I thought my son... did the dirty." she laughs. I laugh along with her.

"Do you mind if I check on them?" I ask. I'm not going to check on them if they're doing more than they should, I just want to see if Alanis is okay.

"Not at all. I'll wait here." She smile.

"Thank you." I walk up the stairs and face Alanis's door. I knock softly and open the door. Alanis lays on Felix's chest and he hugs her while they sleep. I smile a little.

'I'm sorry.' I think in my head. I close the door and head downstairs.

"They're sound to sleep." I inform Maria.

"Well..." she trails off. "Would you like to go out for a girls night out to take your mind off of things?" She asks.

"I'd love that." I stay in my blouse and jeans and put on my sandals. I leave a note for the kids and leave with Maria.

My First {Felix Sandman/English} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now