~~~Chapter 15~~~

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My eyes wide in shock but soon my facial expression changes to ecstatic.

"Yes! definitely!" I jump in my seat a little. "I mean. I'd love to be your girlfriend." I smile like an idiot. He laughs and kisses my cheek.

"I am honored that you accepted my proposal." he dramatically holds a hand to his heart making me giggle.

"You're so adorable, Fewix." I emphasize 'Fewix.'

"And you're beautiful, Awwy." he smiles causing me to blush.

"You always find a way to make me blush." I tap his nose.

"That's because I like seeing you blush. It's cute." He mimics my actions. He takes a glance at his watch and does a double take.

"I have to go." He stands to his feet..

"Alright." I pout. I want to ask him why, but we just started a relationship and I don't want him to think I'm clingy.

"Do you want to go on a date tonight? I was thinking we could hang out at my place?" he asks.

"Yeah." I smile. "Definitely."

"Cool. I'll pick you up?" he starts walking backwards towards the door and I follow him.

"Okay, yeah." I agree and he opens the door. Before he leaves, he gives me a peck on the lips and a wave goodbye. I close the door, but there's already a knock on the door.

*Kayla's P.O.V*

The door opens and it reveals Omar.

"Hi Omar!" I smile. Omar's house is close to mine. It takes five minutes to walk here. It's also fives minute away from Alanis's house. Meaning, Omar's house is in the middle of our houses.

"Hey Kayla!" he greets.

"I just came to say hi." I rock on my feet.

"Oh okay. Would you like to come in?" He stands aside creating a space for me to enter his house.

"Sure!" I step through the door as Omar closes it behind me. I look around and see a couch on one wall, a love seat in the other, and a flat screen TV hanging opposite of the couch with a cabinet underneath. There's wood flooring and snow white walls. A coffee table lies in the middle of everything. Pictures hang on the walls. I take a seat on the couch and look at the picture. There's a picture of him when he was younger, about 7, and another as a baby. There's a bigger picture hanging over the love seat of him, a woman, and man. I'm assuming those are his parents.

"Those are my parents." he confirms my assumption as he takes a seat next to me.

"Would you like a drink?" he stands up again. I ask for a water bottle and he exits through a door that probably leads to the kitchen. I look at the picture of him and his parents and examine it. I can see the resemblance. Omar has his mothers bright brown eyes and cute nose. He has the full lips and the shape of his head from his dad. Omar soon comes back with two water bottles in his hand. He hands me it and I take a sip.

"So how's it going?" he asks as he takes a gulp of water.

"Good. You?"

"Good. I've just been recording a song with the boys. Actually I have to practice dancing to it today." he states.

"What time?" I ask. He doesn't have time to answer because the doorbells rings. He walks up to the door and I follow.

"Oh hey Felix." He says as soon as he sees Felix at the door.

"Hey Omar. We got to go rehearse." Felix looks over Omar's shoulder and spots me. "Oh, hey Kayla." he smiles.

"Hey Felix." I wave.

"I have to go now actually." he frowns. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. You guys gotta do your thing. I'm just going to go to Alanis's place. Bye guys." I walk out.

"Bye Kayla." They say at the same time. I walk down the sidewalk to Alanis's house. 5 minutes to myself and I finally reach my destination. I knock on the door. I wait a few seconds until she opens the door.

"Hey girl hey!" I give her a hug.

"Hey girly!" she hugs back. We let go of each other and I hop on the couch as she closes the door. "What's up girl?" She quickly takes a seat next to me.

"I have good news and bad news." she raises her eyebrows.

"Good news first please."

"Okay." she pauses. "Felix asked me to be his girlfriend!" she waits for my reaction. She shakes of excitement.

"Oh. My. GOD!" I scream. Alanis and I jump up from the couch and hop up and down, screaming.

"But there's still bad news." She stops abruptly, causing me to stop, too.

"How can there possibly be bad news?!" we sit down again.

"Well..." she trails off.

My First {Felix Sandman/English} COMPLETEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें