~~Chapter 10~~

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"So full." Kayla groaned.

"Just one more bite." I ate the last of the ice cream in my bowl. So far so tasty. We've chomped down on ice cream, popcorn, nachos with not yo cheese. Eh, eh. See what I did there? No? Anyways, we have also gobbled up microwaveable pizzas, cupcakes that Kayla made -and may I say, they were delicious!- and other stuff I cannot remember.

"You bake a mean cupcake." I comment.

"And you microwave mean pizzas." she sit on a stool.

"Ha! I burnt one." I laugh.

"But the second one was fantastic." she made the ok sign with her hands. "I still can't believe you burnt pizza with a microwave."she laughs.

"It so happens that I put 25 minutes instead of 5." I shrug

"And yet I still don't think it would burn it that bad!" She throws her hands in the air.

"Shut up." I try to make the most angriest face I can muster. She laughs at my attempt.

I hear a door open from the living room and slam shut. My dad and Gabe walk come in and grab a water bottle from the fridge. They open the bottle and chuck it down. I wonder where they go when they leave.

"Where have you guys been?" I ask.

"Places." My brother raises and eyebrow as he turns to face me.

"Hi Kayla." he waves.

"Hi Gabe." he puts the water bottle in our recycle bin and runs out and up the stairs.

"Hi Kayla. Are you here to hang out?" my dad asks.

"Hi dad. No, I'm sleeping over." she responds.

"Great! Where are the boys? Are they sleeping over, too." he looks around as if he would spot them.

"No dad. They left." I groaned and put my head in my hands.

"Alright. Alright. Well I'm going to go in my room." he exits.

"Let's clean up and head upstairs." Kayla nodded and we threw away any trash that we left on the counter and table. We walked up the stairs and into my room. I lay down on the bed and Kayla takes out pajamas. What I mean by pajamas is grey sweat pants and a tank top. She changes while I look through feature on iFunny. (A/N: iFunny: An app on a smartphone that include millions of funny pictures. WARNING: Some may include nudity or 9 year olds posting KIKs, but those are usually in collective. Thank you. :) )

"It's 4. Why are you already in your pajamas?" I crunch my eyebrows in confusion.

"The same reason why you're wearing gym shorts and a tank top." she pointed lay beside me.

"Right." I clicked on the Instagram app and looked through photos. They small orange bar came up showing I had a new follower. I clicked it and Felix's name showed up.

"Awww. Felix followed you." As if on cue, Oscar, OG, and Omar followed me. Kayla jumped a bit from beside me and took out her phone from her pocket.

"Everyone followed us." she stated. We are already following them. I went on stalker mode when I heard people were getting Instagrams and of course I went to go check if Felix had one. I just has to!

We continued to look at stuff from social media and chit chat. Soon enough by around 10 we fell asleep. Well, I was about to. I was holding my phone up and as I was about to fall asleep it fell and hit my face. After 5 minutes of holding my probably bruised nose, I got over the now small pain and fell asleep.


I woke up around 12 o'clock. Kayla was still asleep and I got bored after a while so I decided to wake her up.


"Shut up!" she took her pillow and hit me with it, causing me to fall and tumble on the floor with a loud thud! She turned to her side to look at me.

"That's what you get for waking me up." she growled and closed her eyes.

"Fine. Be that way." I got up and ran down the stairs.

"Hello?" I entered an empty kitchen. Guess everyone already left. There was a note let on the table. It read,

'Off to work. Your dad an Gabe went who knows where and I don't know when they'll be back. I'll be home by tonight!

Love, mom'

I throw the note in the trash can and get two glasses from a cabinet, filling it up with orange juice and apple juice I got from the fridge. Kayla came in rubbing her eyes.

"Apple juice?" I offered. She nodded and took the glass.

"Remember. You have a date today at 5." she groggily spoke.

"Mhm." I hummed. We didn't do much for four hours. Boringggg!

"Go change now." Kayla ordered.


"Because you have an hour to get ready."

"I'll get ready in half an hour." I slouched on the couch.

"No because I'm going to fix you up." she stood from the couch.

"No! No makeup! No nothing!" I covered my face with my hands.



"Please!" she begged. "Can I at least curl your hair?!"

"Fine! Just my hair. And don't make it too curly." she nodded, grabbing my hand and pulling me up stairs to the bathroom.

"Stay here. I'm going to go get something." she disappeared out of the bathroom. She came back in 2 minutes flat with a curling iron and the chair from the desk.

"Sit." she demanded. I do what she says as she plugs in the curling iron. She taps the metal and takes a strand of my hair. She wraps the strand around the bar and waited a few second and let go. The straight strand of hair was now a small swirl. She related the process and the went on for 30 minutes.

"And done!" she turned off the curling iron. It didn't look bad. I actually like it.

"Awesome." I played with the small curls.

"Yup. Go and change into the outfit I picked out." I followed her into my room with the chair in my hands. I put the chair next to my desk. Kayla handed me the outfit and I walked back to the bathroom.  I don't think of taking a shower yet because I might sweat later on. I put the outfit on and look in the mirror. Not bad. I find this outfit cute. (A/N: Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=98102049) I go back to my room as I grab my purple and black snapback from a shelf and put it on backwards.

"Well? What do you think?" I looked at myself from the body length mirror.

"You look cute! I did a good job." she nodded her head in approval.

"You did great!"

"It's almost 5." she looked at the time on her phone.

"He'll be here any minute." As if on cue, the door bell rang. I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket.

"Coming!" I shouted from upstairs. I ran down the stairs with Kayla trailing behind. I opened the door and there stood Felix and Omar.

"Hi Felix."

"Hi Omar." Kayla and I say in unison.

"Hey." Omar spoke for both of them.

"I hope you don't mind, but I was wondering if I can stay here with Kayla?" Omar asked.

"No, I don't mind at all!" Omar and I switched places so I was next to Felix and Omar was next to Kayla.

"We'll be back by around 6:30." Felix said.

"Kay, bye!" Kayla said and closed the door.

"You look great." Felix commented.

'You look hot.' my mind spoke as I looked at Felix. He was wearing jeans and a graphic tee, topped with a snapback worn backwards on his head and hair sticking out from the bottom.

"Thanks. So where are we going?" I asked as we got in the back seat of a car.

"Secret." he smiled at me. "To our destination please." he spoke to a driver up front. The guy nodded and the car started moving.

"Can you at least give me a hint of where we are going?" I gave him the cutest puppy dog face I can handle.

"You are going to kill me with that look. And sorry, no can do." he poked my nose. I stuck my tongue out at him and he returned it. I crossed my arms over my chest like a child as he laughed.

"We'll be there in 10 minutes. It's not that long."

"Fine." Ten minutes later the driver is driving into a parking lot and he parks in front of a pizza place.

"We are going to eat pizza?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Look next to it." I turned my head and saw an indoor lasertag sign.


"Yup. Stay here for a second." he got out of the car.

"What?" my doors opens and I see Felix's hand. I take hold of it and he leads me out.

"Such a gentleman." he closes the door.

"I try my best." we start to walk towards the doors.

~*~*~*~ TEEHEE. I like how I stop right when stuff gets going xD I sowwie. Plus I thought it was getting too long. Here's your chapter! This was long and boring, but I have something in the next chapter. *rubs hands in an evil way* MUAHAHAHAHAHA! HA! I don't think it's that big of a deal though... It's chapter 10 it's time for.... Miss Dedicate! Hooray! Drum roll please!



!! YAY !! That's Kayla! She's my Cuz :D

ALLLLLRIGHT THEN! Love you guys! SO close to my goal! Please VOTE, COMMENT, and FOLLOW! Mkay Bai! ~*~*~*~

My First {Felix Sandman/English} COMPLETEDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz