Chapter 4~Glad You Came

Start from the beginning

"Lana, I wanted to apologize for my behavior last night. I shouldn't have done that to you, it was uncalled for and stupid. Sometimes I do things irrationally and impulsively, I don't have very good self-control. I shouldn't be near you right now but I needed to know that you were alright. It's okay if you don't want to talk to me. I get it but let me do this for you please," He shamefully spoke shaking his head in defeat. I sighed watching someone who I looked up to, look so defeated by himself. I felt bad for him honestly, but I was still terrified that he was a vampire. They weren't supposed to even be real. We both met each other's gaze through the mirror, I nodded understandingly clearly he knew I wasn't ready to forgive so quickly but letting him clean the wound was a start. He smiled slightly and gathered my hand in one of his hands moving it away from the wound to the other side of my neck. He sighed tracing the marks on my skin with his fingers in gentle motions. "Do they hurt at all?", he asks concerningly and stops then to dap the cloth on them wiping any extra dry blood off. "Not really, they just sting a little. The pain is barrable, thank you for helping me clean them before they get infected," I sheepishly reply looking down at the floor shyly, which he caught sight of and pointed out. "You don't have to be shy around me, love. Yeah, I'm a vampire but I still have the many attributes like a human does baby. I may see, hear and feel things that are heightened exponentially but I still have a heart darling," He remarks clearly somehow displeased with my sudden shyness. I feel bad but damn he's intimidating and he makes me very nervous. I try shaking it off and change the subject of our conversation by asking him a couple of questions I had weighing on my mind.

"Why did you take me?", I asked him, my voice cracking in the process.  It came out like a plea. 

"You already know baby", he replied to me with confidence. "No I don't", I argue back.

"Don't argue with me, Lana".  He stammers back at me, I can do this all-day tough guy. I cross my arms and turn around to face him. "I want you to tell me what I know huh? From what I know Vampires are not even supposed to be real, plus I thought you were just a singer from Gloucester in a boy band with a fan base of many other girls. How the hell are you keeping this a secret? How come no one has never even noticed it? Lastly, what the heck is a mate, why do you keep calling me that?" I vastly ask all these questions in one breath. If I was gonna get answers, I wanted to ask the most questions possible.

"Alright Alright, Slow down Baby. I'll tell you what you want to know. Just calm down first," Nathan rasps desperately his hands connect with my arms rubbing on them softly try to soothe my rambling and raging mind. "I am from Gloucester that's true and everything you know about the band and me is true baby believe me. I haven't lied to you or the public about myself or the band. We've kept our secret by concealing it from people, only a few of the management knows about it. It's extremely difficult to keep it from the public but we've managed so far. Yes, sweetheart Vampires are real, everything you heard about these creatures. Wolves, Witches, and Demons all exist. But some stories have twisted the way these creatures are talked about over history. Tom and Max can explain more to you if you have any more questions, I don't know much only that we haven't told many of management and that we have learned to keep ourselves from the public eye when we get the urge to hunt or our vampire instincts kick in while we are out, performing as well as a challenge we just need to make sure we have completely fed. A mate is like a Soul Mate, someone a vampire or wolf is perfectly matched and meant to be with. They are extremely rare and many other creatures do not believe in this, but the ones that do say that soulmates are either recognized or drawn to each other by this bond. The Soul Bond, you can think of it as a cord but that bond is said to be unbreakable even in death and the soulmate and creature can feel like shocks or jolts of electricity and can read each other's thoughts, emotions, body language", He explains this to me and I try my best to take it all in. This whole thing seems so surreal but he truly wants me to be informed and tells me I can talk to any of the boys if something doesn't make sense or I need more answers than Nathan doesn't know of. "Some of us go on living our lives without finding or knowing of our soulmates and those creatures go on searching for that missing piece in their lives. I heard it is quite miserable and lonely, the lucky ones find their mate and it is incredible," He sadly states but smiles at me when he looks over my intrigued gaze. "Wow, that's a lot to take in. This mate thing is extremely weird, I feel these jolts and shocks when you touch me as you explained. I have this strange feeling as I know you more than I thought I did you're one of my favorite singers and I love the band. I know of you guys and your lives from the Wanted but Nathan, I feel connected to you somehow I can't explain it," I deliver back to him my arms develop goosebumps under and around his touch. The electricity between us was growing stronger as I had just made note of it. "It's because of the bond, whatever you feel I feel it to baby. You're my mate. My soul is tethered to yours. Your mine and I'm yours!" Nathan pleads his eyes search for mine and any emotion they give of, I'm so baffled and taken aback about how these supernatural beings were real and hidden in plain sight. "I know it is a lot to think about, and you can take all the time that you need to think and process this. But I wanted you to know why all of a sudden your favorite band walked into your life and one of the singers explained that he was in love with you, its because I am destined, chosen to baby," He whispers softly and calmly leaning closer to me and gives me the sweetest gentle kiss on my cheek and I blush softly.

We both didn't realize the time that had gone by but when we did it was already time to go out since Nareesha had informed Kelsey that I was with her and the boys so we are meeting her out somewhere. Nathan and I walk out of the room together I smiled softly when he held the door for me and closed it after I went through. I walked down the hallway a little only to be enveloped in a hug by Nareesha who was happy that I was feeling better but wanted to comfort me any way possible. This whole vampire thing still had me on edge all things considered I was already bitten by one who has informed me that I was his Soul Mate.

"I'm so sorry Lan, I wanted to tell you everything but Siva and the boys told me against it, I didn't know that Nathan was your mate but I had a suspicion. The day after you came over to hang out and catch up the boys and Seev came to chill out, Nath kind of went a little nuts we didn't get the hint of it but he could sense you, I didn't understand it until Seev explained a couple of days ago when Nathan found you that it was the bond drawing you to each other."

"It's okay, I'm just shaken up and trying to cope with all of this information. I'm a little upset you didn't tell me you were engaged. Naree I thought we told each other everything."

"Lana I know you're on edge and I didn't have time to explain my engagement seeing as Nathan couldn't wait to get his hands on his mate and bite her only after a few nights of meeting her. But I found happiness with Siva he's my one and only I love him and we are engaged, I am a vampire Siva turned me the day he proposed to me." Nareesha glares at Nathan before taking my hands and I freak, her skin is freezing like Nath's. My best friend is one of them how is this even possible? How did I not know about it?

That's it!!!!!!

"Lana please calm down".

One voice the one I didn't expect him to speak.  That cute Nathan was back the ones I see in their wanted Wednesday videos and photos of him on the Internet or Twitter, or Instagram.  I fell to my knees crying, gasping for breath all the information and feelings that I was burdened with were becoming too much for me and I was having a panic attack. I haven't had one of those in a long time. I started hyperventilating and Nareesha saw me try and grab onto her for support, she reacted quickly.

"Hey Lan!! "Ok, You're okay. I got you, it's alright. Just breathe okay," She darted over towards me in vamp speed and comforted me and let me lean on her while trying to get me to a place to sit down.

"I can help her, let me help!!," I could hear Nath yell at Naree down the hallway but I couldn't see anything my eyes were all blurry from the tears.

"No, Nathan!! You've done enough already", She fires back at him while leading me to sit down on the bed.

"Okay, there ya go girl. Just breathe, it's alright your safe here! I promise. Here's some water try and drink some. Maybe lay down for a bit, Alright?", She comforts me and hands me a bottle of water.

I opened the bottle and drank small amounts so that it wouldn't upset my stomach. Nareesha left me after a few moments, at that point I decided to lay down and rest for a little while. My emotions weren't very fun to deal with, ever since my family's splitting and my father passing on its been difficult to deal with myself but it hit my mother very hard. I came to London to get away from all of that and now I found myself caught up in the supernatural world, mated to a vampire who's in a band that I love and has definite control issues which he's going to need to learn if he was every going to be with me. I can't have all of this on my plate and start up my singing career again, I've got enough already seeing that I'm a vampire's soulmate, my best friends are vampires, and my family do not talk to each other. I've got no plan B to fall back on if this whole mate thing goes sideways.

A couple of hours later, I opened my eyes wiping the grogginess from them. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep until I looked at the time, which read 4 in the afternoon. Oh Shit!

I Found You (SERIOUS EDITING, COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now