Chapter 19~Dagger

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This is going to be an exciting chapter.


"Yes, My dear. It's your father." He chuckled, Ethan and Derek soon joined them in the room. Ethan's devilish smirk was only making Lana shiver in fear.

"Bring me my wife and son", Lana's father boomed.

There was some ruckus, and many footsteps outside of the door to the right of Lana. Then the doors opened and Lana's mother and her older brother Alec were dragged in.

Lana gasped in horror, tears breaking through her eyes. "Alec", she gasped. She knew it was him, from his sandy blonde hair and his startling and hypnotizing green/ blue eyes. She whimpered, "What are you doing with him?"

"Mother, no", Lana cried. Her mother Marie and Alec were beat up but still could communicate with her.

"Lana, Do as your father says?'

"He's Not My Father, my father is DEAD." That earned a slap, to the left cheek, Lana's gaze was sent to the right as she had just been slapped. By her own father, "You will listen here, or I will have to force you to." Her cheek stung badly.

She stared in awe that she was just slapped by her own father and her mother or brother didn't do anything, but stare at them.

"Listen Here, My dear. If you follow everything I say I will let them go." He pointed to Kelsey and Nareesha who were tied up. Lana gasped, not knowing how they got here in the first place.

"Ok." She muttered under breath. Kelsey and Nareesha were untied but kept in the room.

"You have a choice Lana, I'm giving you a choice to choose between your family or precious Nathan", Lana's father demanded. There were many shocked expressions and many gasped were heard from the girls and Lana herself. As, Nathan is brought into the room his physical state is no good. Lana gasped falling to her knees. She is reaching for him as he is dragged into the room across from Lana's mother and her brother Alec. Nathan is extremely pale and very weak from the lack of blood.

"He has nothing to do this", Lana tries to speak but tears start to fall from her eyes.

"He has everything to do this", Ethan snapped back. "Thats enough Ethan", Her father demand.


"Choose? Between my family and the love of my life. How could you do this?", Lana gaped in horror.

"I am Your FATHER, NOW YOU WILL CHOOSE. OR I'LL MAKE YOU", her father yelled.

"Never", Lana started confidently. "You don't get to make me choose, you lost that title of being my father when i watched you die." She clutched the small dagger behind her back with one arm untied from the dagger.

"I do not care how you feel about that, i did what necessary for my pack."

"What?", Lana asked confusedly.

"My dear, you don't know what it is who you should be and what we are. We're Werewolves."

At the mention of 'werewolves' Nathan growled and fought in the ropes, which were ripped into pieces and he charged at Lana's father.

"Nathan! He'll kill you!" Lana shouted. Nathan tackled her father and they were punching each other, Lana's father was stronger but Nathan was still faster but still weak.

"I Choose Me." Lana yelled and took the dagger and stabbed herself in the heart. Nathan and Lana's father stopped fighting as the scent of Lana's blood filled the room.

Nathan stared in horror, "Lana No!" He yelled. "Look at what you've done to your own daughter." Nathan stood up and his fangs bared and his eyes were pure black.

"She made her choice."

Nathan stared at him with disgust, "You sicken me!" He yelled and started to beat the hell out of Lana's father. Nathan soon pierced his fangs into his wrist, making him collapse the bite of a vampire killing him.

Lana's father laid on the ground slowly drifting away. "Nathan." There was a whisper, is came from Lana who was laying on the ground. "Kill them." Nathan snarled at the boys.

"What about Lana, Nathan she's losing a lot of blood?" Jay asked. "I realize that."

Nathan ran to her and picked her up in his arms. "Lana, please say something. I'm here."

She reached up to touch to his cheek. "Nathan, I'm scared."

"It's ok Lana."

"Nathan, I. I love you", she whispered slowly. "Nathan you have to turn her, she's losing too much."

"No I can't. I don't want to put her through that pain, she doesn't want it."

"Nath-" Lana whispered.

"Lana, I love you so much. Stay with me baby, stay awake."

"Nathan you have to, she's losing to much blood."

"NNo, baby please no. I can't lose you baby come back to me, stay." Nathan cried. "Lana drink please drink." Nathan cut his wrist and placed his wrist above her mouth.

Blood dripped onto her lips, slipping in between and coaxing with her saliva. She coughed, trying to sallow.

"Nathan I love you so. So much", Lana said within her last breath. A tear streamed down her cheek. Nathan wiped it away with his thumb.

"No baby Don't go Lana, I love you so much." Nathan held her cheek and hugged her body tightly.

"Nathan mate, I'm so sorry. She's gone." Tom placed a hand on Nathan's shoulder in a comforting manner. "No, how could you say that, she's not gone i gave her my blood. She's turning into a vampire." Nathan snapped angrily.

"It wasn't enough, I'm sorry Nath," Max stated. Nathan clutched onto her delicate lifeless body, his blood on her lips.

"No", Nathan held tighter when Siva tried to comfort him. "We're sorry Nath mate, no one should have to lose their mate like this."

"You have to let her go."

"I can't, I won't", Nathan yelled.

"Nathan, Lana's gone. She's not coming back."

"How could you say that to me?", Nathan cries as he hold on to her tightly.

A heart.

A heart beat.

faded and very slow.

the change, he knew it was happening.

"I will look for you and i will never stop until i find you. Lana. when i find you I will never let you go. Ever", Nathan promised. He slowly placed her in the quiet sparkling river, and he watched as the slow current took her and everything he had away along with.


NOOOOOO! She's gone. Or is she??? I literally just started crying at the end. Just so Sad. I'm so sorry that this chapter had to be a sad one, and with the book ending soon its gonna be hard. Anyway thank you to everyone who read tonight, ill try and update the next few chapters as the book comes to an end.


Emily xx.

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