Hey Baby!

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Somehow, I know that I will lose you sooner or later. I just know that you will leave me for a girl because you're never into guys before. I know that. I just do not want to look at that side. People will probably say I'm pathetic and stupid for having you in my heart even though I know that you cannot be mine forever. People will probably say that you are a terrible person because you let me love you more than I love my self even though we both know that we will never ever reach the point where we are standing on the altar saying our wedding vow before the priest pronounce us as husband to each other. You are my baby since 2011, and will always be. But still, it does not suffice for me to wish for more months or years to come to be with you in the term we are having right now. I'm okay though. I'm just going to enjoy what I have right now, with you.

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