Your promise is nothing now

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You promise to be there
So tell me? Where are you
I need you, I trusted you
Funny right.
You promise so damn much
But guess what, you left
So silly.
I cried so many times
Thinking that maybe it was me,
Now you act like it doesn't matter
Like I should forgive you;
Maybe you can't see this
But I do,
My pain, my sadness,
My bloody shaking hands asking for help!
I got none! So don't act like you
Give a fuck!
So silly!
You promised but guess what!
I fucking hate you!
I hate you for every time you
Used the words "promise" or "love"
They mean nothing to you!
Now tell me what parts were actually true!
Now thinking about it! It feels like nothing
Was I nothing to you!
It feels so much like it,
You fucked up
You hurt me
You lied
You fucked me over
And more!
Silly me!
You cared
You loved
You promised
You listen
You lie!
Your promises are now broken empty
Emotions to a person that you
Have broken!
But you know what
I hate you so damn much
But why do I wanna try
To believe
Your promises are real
But there not..
You over used the word
Now it's empty pain
So thanks for
Breaking a person more.

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