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How do you say words that you don't understand, there is over 100 words you can choose so how is it so hard to choose just the rights words. No matter how hard we try we can never find the right words to tell someone. We go looking for the words in the world but we always end up finding ourselves. No matter how hard we try is it really just for nothing? What is the point of life? Is there really no meaning for this, no meaning for us to be here? All we are doing is ruining this amazing worlds and for what? Nothing there is no reason why we do this, we just do it without thinking about what is going to happen? So why do we have to look so hard for the meaning of a couple of words when we can't even find are-selfs in this world of hate & pain. Just answer me this, if people say words can't hurt then are they the ones hurting the person because I will never understand why so many people hurt each other? Is it for fun or is it to make each other feel awful about themselves? to see how far someone will go before the end of it? What is the meaning of this, there is no need to choose mean words rather then nice words. To some people they are the same thing because people are so use to this pain inside of them. The people who are hurt are to scared to talk or to see what will  happens when someone finally stands up. This fear of all this could kill someone that's why people choose not to think about the pain because in the end does it even matter? All the pain we felt will be gone, we won't have to care about what happen or who hurt us or who we hurt. We just don't feel anything in the end, so what is the point to keep looking for the right words to say when we can't even think about are own selfs before we say anything at all.

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