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“No! Curly!” one of the other boys shrieked. The men went around, yanking off their disguises. Slowly, the members of One Direction became undisguised.

“You two are teenage girls,” one of the robbers said. “Do you recognize these boys?”

Please, Monica! Don’t make a witty comeback… This is not the time, I thought, praying that she wouldn’t comment on the man’s statement.

“No, I don’t know these boys,” I quickly said, my vision becoming tunneled a bit. The boy wearing a plaid shirt, otherwise known as Liam Payne, looked hopeful.

“Yeah, we would never recognize Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, and Niall Horan,” Monica said, her voice high pitched.

“OKAY THAT’S IT,” I said, standing up, but I was still dizzy from the blow. I began wandering around in circles, not knowing where I was going.

“Why can they stand up and not us!?” the blonde one, or Niall, whined.

“They’re girls. Harmless beings. They can’t hurt a fly,”  one of the men said.

“Oh yeah!?” I slurred. “Last week, I stepped on my cat’s tail!”

“Yeah, and then you ran after it for an hour apologizing for animal cruelty,” Monica snapped.

“You have a cat!? Can I come see it sometime, if we ever get out alive!?” Harry exclaimed. One of the men shot the ceiling with his gun.

“SON OF A MAPLE TREE!” Monica said, covering her ears. “Wait, isn’t that your boyfriend’s daughter…?”

“MONICA SHUT UP!” I yelled and fell on the floor again. Someone grabbed my ankle and I was about to scream when I looked up and saw the fuzzy face of Liam Payne. He held a finger to his lips, signaling me to be quiet. Silently, he pulled me by my ankle behind an aisle of the pharmacy. Well, not silently. The quiet screech of skin across linoleum flooring was heard throughout the pharmacy.

“Hey, where did the other girl go?” one man asked.

“And that Bieber looking fellow. Where’d he go?” another one asked.

“His name is Liam,” Niall said.

“Shut up, blondie,” the third man said.

“I’m a natural brunette, if you must know,” Niall snapped. “Hey, staring is rude, you know.”

That’s when I realized that the entire time we were having this conversation, the rest of the customers and cashiers were staring at us like we were crazy. I felt someone tap my shoulder, and turned to face Liam. ‘Let’s go,’ he mouthed, and crawled towards the exit. My head began spinning, and I lay with my back on the floor just for a moment. I was going to get up when I noticed Liam next to me again. Without another word, he slung me over his shoulder.

“Hey!” a man said. “They’re getting away!”

“RUN LIKE THE WIND, BULLSEYE!” Louis yelled, and Liam began running towards the exit. I could hear gunshots, and was scared that the men would shoot us both. He suddenly broke into a sprint, now holding me bridal style.

“We’re gonna die… We’re gonna die… We’re gonna die… We’re gonna die…” I muttered, shutting my eyes. Suddenly, I went unconscious.

Monica’s Point of View

“So… Uh… What’s your name?” the curly haired one, or Harry, asked.

“Monica,” I said, smiling at him. I couldn’t believe myself. This whole time, I had been standing and I wasn’t dead yet. “Wait, I’m not dead, am I?”

“Obviously not,” Louis commented.

“Shut up, all of you, or you’ll all be dead,” one of the three men said with a scowl.

“Why aren’t you scared?” a cashier asked, peeking from behind his little counter.

“I trained for this,” I answered, flexing my invisible muscles and growling. Harry rested his chin on his hands.

“Really?” he asked.

“No,” I said. A man came up behind me and pushed me by my shoulders so I landed on the floor.

“That’s enough of you,” he said, kicking my back so I skidded on my knees. I landed on top of Harry.

“Hey, if we ever get out alive, mind if I take you out?” he whispered.

“Let’s just wait and see if we live, and then go all romantic, okay, Harry?” Zayn said. It was the first time he had spoken at all since I had seen him. He was completely pale and his eyes were wide in fright.

“Aw, you want a hug?” I asked the scared looking boy. He vigorously shook his head.

“You look like a psychopath,” he said.

“I’m not a psychopath! Right, Talia?” I said, but when she didn’t answer, I got a little paranoid. “Talia? TALIA FRICKIN PHILLIPS!”

I turned around, and she wasn’t there. Zayn looked at me with his eyebrows raised. Okay, this didn’t look very good. I know I’m not a psychopath. Am I? Wait, I’m questioning myself. Stupid Monica… Oh God now I’m calling myself stupid.

“I swear, she was right there. I’m not crazy!” I said, pointing behind me to where Talia used to be. “Or maybe I am… Forget it.”

“Hey!” one of the robbers, or da Vinci, said. “They’re getting away!”

“Wait, where’s Liam?” Niall said, looking around. He had tears in his eyes and I felt bad for the lad. Gunshots were fired, and I felt tears pouring down my cheeks. Everything was a mess. 1) Talia was gone. 2) I can hear gun shots 3) She might be dead! Well, the other boy might be dead, and the Irish boy is crying. Judging by what happened with Zayn, I wasn’t very good at comforting people.

“D-Don’t cry. D-D-D-Don’t cry,” Louis kept muttering.

“And you’re saying I’m the psychopath?” I said, gesturing to the boy wearing a striped shirt.

“Yeah, I am,” Zayn said, tears spilling out of his own eyes. I had never been in a room with so many crying guys, and to think these people were guys. I felt someone tugging on my shirt. I turned around and saw Harry amused by the fabric.

“So soft…” he murmured.

“What are you doing?” I said, kind of scooting away from the curly haired boy.

“I’m bored,” he said, reaching for my shirt again. “Where did you get this from?”

“Uh… Victoria’s Secret?” I answered.

“Oh. I’m shopping there from now on,” Harry said.

“That’s a lingerie store, stupid,” Zayn said, smacking the back of his head. Harry smirked.

“Even better,” Harry answered.

“What’s the name of his medication? I’ll sneak back and grab it if it helps him shut up,” I whispered in Louis’ ear.

“Uh… He doesn’t have medication. That’s just his weird self,” Louis said, still rocking back and forth to stop himself from crying.

“I’m hungry…” the blonde one muttered. Zayn and Harry groaned. Louis was silent, trying not to cry. I had a plan.

Medication (A One Direction Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now