I wasn't sure how to interact with Paul after our last encounter. So I gave him a sarcastic smile accompanied with an eye roll. I walked over to our couch and flopped down, Diana soon following.

"Wait, what the fuck? Why  are you in our flat?" I asked forgetting the important detail.

"Your backdoor was unlocked," Paul replied nonchalantly, fiddling with the decorations on the worn bookshelf in the corner of the living room.


"You should really start locking it, ya never know what could come strolling in," John added.

"If I may ask," Diana started," what in the heck are you doing here?"


"Very bored."

"Lovely," I got up and snatched the picture frame out of Paul's hands," if you lot are going to be breaking into our home, how about you help out a little, do some of my laundry."

"God, ya sound like me Aunt Mimi," John groaned, slumping on the couch. I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at him.

"And you sound like my Great Aunt Edna." I smiled at him crookedly and caught the pillow he chucked back at me.

"Right." Paul clapped his hand together." I used to do my brother's laundry. What do ya need done?"

"She was kidding. You don't have to do her chore so you can score, baby face." Diana smirked and looked at Paul.

He narrowed his eyes at her, and put his hands on his hips. He mumbled in a high pitch voice to mock her and walked into the laundry room, starting to hang up my wet clothes of the line connected to opposite walls.

"Careful with the delicates, love," I said cheekily plopping down on the chair in the corner of the room.

It was strange, it felt like everyone in the room knew what happened but everyone was ignoring it. I was starting to think he just kissed me cause I was there. I am another one of Paul's whores. Why else would he not have called or anything in the past week? I don't have feelings for him, but I don't want to be treated like a doll he can just do whatever to whenever he wants.

My eyes wandered from my nails to the clock. "Shit! I'm fuckin' late again!" I shot up off of the couch and ran upstairs to change. I quickly took my socks off as I ran down the stairs. I grabbed my coat and put on my shoes before grabbing my keys.

"We'll come visit ya later!" Paul yelled as I ran out the door, and down the sidewalk.


The restaurant was booming with business, and my feet were about to explode from all the blisters. Skating around a restaurant for 4 hours straight isn't the most damn pleasant.

I groaned to myself when I heard a table call me over. I skated over uncomfortably and mustered up a big fake smile.

"Is everything alright here?" I asked sickly sweet. The family of four all stared at me.

"No. The bleedin' burger isn't what I ordered," the guy who I'm assuming was the father complained. He continued to explain to me vividly what he ordered, talking to me like a toddler. I fought so hard to not roll my eyes, If someone looked me in the eyes right now they would probably see the pain.

"I'm sorry sir. I'll come right back with your order." I started to skate off, not before hearing his asshole comment behind my back.

"This is why we shouldn't let pretty lil' girls start working. They don't know what they're doing."

I swore under my breath. I wanted to lick his stupid food so bad. But I was raised classier than that.

"Oh, waitor!" I heard a voice yell. I rolled my eyes and smiled a bit as I skated to the table.

John, Paul, Stu, and Diana were all sat down. Diana sitting next to Paul, trying to ignore John for the rest of her life.

"Hi Stella, you look nice," Stu complimented and gave a polite smirk. I smiled and thanked him before smooshing myself next to Diana.

"Fuck me. This job is kicking my arse," I groaned, resting my head on Diana's shoulder. She huffed and shrugged me off.

"Would you like to switch seats so you can be on Paul's lap instead?" She whispered in an annoyed tone. I rolled my eyes at her and focused on the guys.

"Ya Stell, why don't you go sit on Macca's lap so he'll stop starin' at ya' from across the table," John commented in a dry tone with a blank face. I kicked him in the shin which didn't faze him the least bit. Stu looked annoyed underneath his sunglasses.

Just when I was about to out-wit John, a table of boys was calling me over. "Duty calls," I said sarcastically, skating over to the table.

"You said to call if we need anything right?" The guy asked. His posh accent and attire made me want to scream.


"Well I need you to help me get you outta those pretty little shorts," he flirted. His friends sat there snickering. I ignored his comment and started to skate away. I earned some wolf whistles and a few nasty comments from doing so. I thought my teeth were gonna break by how hard I was clenching my jaw. I need this job. I need this job.

"Hey, why don't you lot shut up and leave the bird alone?" Stu angrily spoke up. I widened my eyes at him and made a face begging him to let it go.

"Why don't you do something, ya fuckin scousers?" One of the posh boys fought back. I squeezed my eyes shut and groaned. God dammit Stu.

They're comment of course got John and Paul riled up too. They all stood from the table and tried to go over to the posh boys. I skated in front of them hurriedly.

"Guys, just leave okay? I'm fine, just don't fight," I begged. John still had murder in his eyes and I know that I wouldn't be able to get him to stop. Stu held a blank expression and I was left wondering why he cared so much about a few cat calls from some guys that don't matter. Paul's eyes bore into mine with an apologetic look after his face softened.

The boys threw a fry at Paul which made him try to go forward again. I put my hands on his scrawny chest and stared into his eyes.

"Paul, please," his face softened again. He nodded and dragged John out of there.

I sighed and rubbed my face.

"Wow. I think he fancies you," Diana called from the same booth, sipping her coke.


Sorry this is soooooooo late and this chapter isn't the best, but I'm gonna be updating more on Christmas vacation. And I'm definitely gonna try to update this more regularly.

It would mean so much if you guys could check out my new Roger Taylor story. It's based off of the real band, not Bohemian Rhapsody!!!!

𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐋𝐓𝐄𝐑, paul mccartney Where stories live. Discover now