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"You are late and you look like shit"Is the first thing that greeted her as soon as she placed her things in her new desk.

Taking a deep breath with her eyes closed, she prayed to god that her boss won't bomb her with his loud and sarcastic voice because the pain she's feeling at that very moment is like someone's knocking her brain off; the last thing she need is someone telling her off.

Turning around, she gave her new boss a nervous smile. "I'm so sorry, the traffic-"She reasons but stop when the man's hand is suddenly infront of her, shutting her up.

She clenched her jaw as the pain in her head starting to get worse but still put up a fake smile, because the last thing she needs is being fired on her job.

"I don't wanna hear your bullshit reasons Ponytail, I need you in my office in five"Snapper snapped, which is what he does or he won't be called Snapper. Kara reckons.

She giggled with her thoughts but regreted it right away. She couldn't really remember what happened the night before, the last thing she knew was her taking the vodka from the cabinet and waking up in the kitchen floor, wrecked, a bottle and a glass scattered beside her.

It was a mess. She never intended to drink that much, she just needed to unwind but her intention obviously betrayed her for she is now stuck with her hangover.

One thing she remembered though is her deciding that staying away from Lena and her new girlfriend would be best. She want nothing but to catch up with her, be back to normal, be friends with her again but the thought of Diana being with Lena all the time, like she did when they were still together - already breaks her heart to pieces, let alone see them and interact with them like everything's fine.

"Danvers, I said in five!"She heard Snapper shouted from his office, pulling her off her thoughts.

She took her notebook from her bag before hurriedly walking towards her boss' office.

"I'm sorry"She apologizes, looking at the ground because of the open window in Snapper's back that is making her head ache worse.

The man rolled his eyes and Kara wonder if he's getting some headaches or maybe feel dizzy everytime he rolls his eyes, which he does every two seconds.

"I need an intel about the infamous Lena Luthor, where she's gone in the last 2 years, her plans on her company and an information about her new lady friend. I need the article in my desk first thing tomorrow"


Snapper looked up to see Kara looking uncomfortable infront of his desk, almost as if she's about to say something but trying not to.

"Spill it, Danvers! I don't have all day"He said, taking his gaze back on the papers on his desk.

"I uh-"She stammers. "I can't do it"She said, uncertain.

Snapper's eyes bore on her, looking at her through his glasses. "Why not?"He asked, clenching his jaw.

"I-I"Kara tried to find a reason, anything but found herself being thrown out of the office to do her job.

I can't have lazy reporters were Snapper's words. Kara mentally scolded herself.

This has to stop. She can't have her feelings meddle with her job! She thought.

She felt her stomach churning by the thought of seeing Lena that day, especially in the state of her.

Great. Just great. She thought.

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