Jonanthan's Jornal

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~Samantha's POV

I woke up to my forehead throbbing and I opened my eyes as I groaned annoyed at the pain. "Rise n' shine," I heard a jokingly voice say as I turned to see a man drinking Bourbon. "Who are you? And where am I?" I asked raising my guard not knowing where I was. "Don't play dumb with me, or did you hit your head too hard? Katherine," The man said. "Katherine? You must be mistaken my name's Sam," I said. 

I watched the man stare at me to see if I was lying. He then walked toward me and looked at me deep in the eyes. "Leave this place and forget everything that happened here," he said in a demanding voice. "Um? I'll try," I said confused and began walking out of the house. "Wait!" The man shouted, "Why can't I compel you?" He asked grabbing my arm tightly. 

I looked down at his hand then back up to him, "I don't know what you're on about? Could you please let go of me?" I asked. He then leaned in close to my neck and sniffed me before leaning back and looking me in the eyes. "Did you just sniff me?" I asked kinda grossed out. "You're not wearing vervain and you haven't consumed some either. But you smell human, you must be a witch," he said as a fake smile graced his face. 

"Witch? You got to be kidding me. Now if you please I have to go, my unicorn is here to give me a ride," I said jokingly as I struggled my way out of his grip. As I was about to leave, the door opened and on the other side was the guy from school who my sister seems to like. "Elena, what are you doing here?" He asked, "Sorry but, it's Sam try not to get it wrong again both of you," I said glancing back at the other man. "Damon? What are you doing here?" the brunette asked and I took this moment to slip by him and leave. 

~Time skip

I walked into the house and was greeted with a worried Elena, "Sam! Oh my god, I was so worried! Where have you been all this time?" she asked pulling me into a hug. As I inhaled my sister's sent I began to have this urge to sink my teeth into her neck. But, before I gave in Elena pulled away from me and smiled at me, "I'm glad you're okay. You know darting off into the woods like that really scared me," She said plopping down onto the couch. 

I watched her pick up the TV remote controller and try to turn on the tv. Only to find out that the batteries were dead. She then looked over to me with a pleading look asking me to go fetch her new batteries. I walked down the stairs into the basement where we kept the batteries. I looked inside several boxes looking for the double A batteries. 

A small smile formed on my face when I found a small box full of several packages of batteries. I picked up the box thinking that the batteries should be stored in the kitchen or at least not in the basement. When I lifted up the box I noticed that the box below it read Jonathan Gilbert. Being my curious self I looked into the box to find a bunch of journals. I then flipped threw one until I found a page with a sketch of a monster who bared fangs. 

I dropped the journal in fear recognizing the monster looking creature to be similar to what I saw in the mirror. "Sam, you okay?" I heard Elena ask as she came down the stairs. "Yeah. I found the batteries," I said sheepishly as I pointed to the box. Once Elena left with the batteries I picked up the journal again and began to read the whole journal.

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