Marissa's 2nd Heart Attack

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[After the last chapter]


R:Hey, this ain't on me. I had nothing to do with this.

T: Are you sure? Huh?

R:we-we were gonna be a family, and now, how in the hell can we ever even presume being a champ again? He confessed, taker.

T: Okay? That's a start.

I losing my breath

I'm becoming weak

R:No, I think you're living in a fantasy. My baby, my son he tried to- kill me

I tipped back

T: Hey, you Hey, hey.Hey.Hey, hey, hey.

He picks her up

T: you okay? Come here, come here.

Lays her

T:Are you okay? What's wrong?

R: *rasp inhale*

I can't breathe

I pull my knees to my chest

T: Hold on. Ok? Hold on.

R: [I'm dying]


Mike:There she is.


R:Oh, my babygirl.

S/B: Hey....

R:Pick up them long faces.Yeah? I'll be all right.I'm-a get through this.

B: SHould i call-

R:NO! She doesn't need to know. Got it.

El: Mom-


They agreed

R: Listen. 2 more or less and i could die.

I could tell they're about to cry

R: Don't. When i do. Surely, IF i die, Please. Watch her. Protect her. No matter what. Ok?

They nod.

My head.

Nurse: U should rest. Everyone, please leave.

One after one

R: Taker.


R: /pls stay./

T: ok.

I smiled weakly

R: *sigh* I use 2 want this. To die. But w/ her in my life. It changed. I changed.My mind. I don't want to bie selfishly. I want to give my life 2 save hers.

T: U loved me back then. Didn't u?

R: She's my everything. She's my life. Without's 2k1 all over again.Sure, i made a mistake in trusting an asshole prior, but still i loved him. I wanted to leave- and did- so many times, but somehow i always go back. Was it bc i didn't want her 2 be fatherless like me? Maybe. I loved him. He could do things that other humans wouldn't get away w/ and i'd still love him. I love [....] him. I don't wanna have 2 pick. But if i /did then/..........

T: Marissa? Marissa?

Her eyes opened and closed

Monitor making sounds accordingly 

The Life Of Marissa Smith And Her Painful, Sad, Regretful Upbringing: book 2Where stories live. Discover now