“Hey,” Roman welcomed them with a smile on his face as they stepped in front of them. He was the dead ring of his mother, Harley noted right away, same nose, same lips, same eyes, same hair, like a carbon copy just in male version. The body came from his father though, wide shoulders, strong jaws.

“Hey sweetheart.” They all hugged, there were the mandatory back pats between his dad and him. “And she is why we’ve all gathered here.” His mother turned to Harley. She scanned her quickly, and Harley straightened her back a little bit, fighting the urge to fidget under her gaze.

“Harley Conrad, I mean, Bürki.” Roman laughed sheepishly and Harley chuckled softly. Good job he could be naturally awkward and not had to pretend.

“Karin,” his mother shook her hand quickly. Harley could practically feel the tension radiating from her. Of course, she understood. She’d be suspicious as well if her wealthy son suddenly turned up with a wife she didn’t know.

“I’m Martin. Nice to meet you, Harley.” His father offered his hand with a clear of his throat.

“The pleasure is all mine, sir.” She smiled warmly and shook his hand so firmly his eyes travelled to her hairline.

“Strong hand.” He nodded approvingly.

“I was brought up on a ranch, working hands,” she explained, taking the chance for a conversation.

“So you’re a small town girl?” Roman’s mother asked, her eyes narrowed at Harley as they sat down.

“I grew up in a small town, yes. But I lived in New York for over 6 years now,” she replied, her hand resting on the arm of the chair, entwined with Roman’s.

“I see.” She nodded, her voice straight as razor. “What happens now? Are you moving back to the US or move to Dortmund? What about your job? Family?”

“Mum!” Roman groaned with a roll of his eyes.

“No, these are all fair questions, I’d ask them, too.” Harley told Roman before she turned her attention back to his mother.

“We plan to live together. I only have my grandmother and she’s more than fine without me being under her feet. I had a fall out with my best friend who was also my boss so currently I have no job…” She could see the flash in Karin’s gaze, the thought that she was a gold digger as she obviously suspected.

“However, his wealth is safe, I signed a prenup that in case of divorce I get nothing.” His parents’ eyes widened as the words left her mouth.

“I understand you’re concerned for him. I would feel the same way because this all seems so rushed. But I promise in no shape or form I’m going to break your son’s heart or harm him.” Harley said with a firm voice. There, she didn’t even have to lie.

She couldn’t harm him. There was only friendship between them, they had no history, nothing, like a new start and it was safe for both of them. This forwardness was clearly not what they expected, Harley thought as silence fell over them.

“You of all people should understand. You always say you looked at each other and just knew it right there, right then,” Roman said with a smile as he looked at Harley.

“I looked at her and just knew it. Even Marco saw it. He said I had the dad look.” He laughed but Harley’s eyes were set on his mother.

“I have no doubt about that.” His mother nodded and Harley forced a smile on her face. She felt like the woman could see through her and it bothered her. She didn’t like the idea of being transparent.

The evening had gone way better than Harley’d expected. They’d fallen into a casual chat quickly, talking about Roman’s plans, about preseason, the challenges of moving if it happened. It’d been all fine but Harley simply couldn’t get through to his mother. On the surface she’d tagged along as well but Harley could tell that she couldn’t win her over.

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