Chapter 19 : A Change in Perspective

Start from the beginning

Usually, she'd look inside and voice out a greeting to make her presence known whether or not there was someone else inside a room but today just felt a bit different. Like a voice inside of her head saying that she should remain silent. And she was thankful that she did.

Because thanks to her silence, she had found something more interesting than checking up on the state of the school's indoor heated pool—a textbook cliché example of a soon-to-be couple's first meeting.

She watched them in earnest, curiosity and mischief gleaming in her eyes until they landed on the trembling, drooling mess of a girl. She didn't know what it was but when she caught sight of her, she felt something click. Like a part of her screaming that she had finally found her other half. At that moment she had already decided that they were going to be best friends whether Ms. Love-struck wanted to or not. She was pushy like that.

She remained quiet throughout the couple's whole ordeal, watching in amusement at how blatantly one-sided everything was. "Well, this will be fun~" she purred with a grin before walking back to the dormitories abandoning her initial quest. Olympic pools be damned, it was all about the skill anyway. She wouldn't dare leave this school, not when she had finally found her soul mate.

--- Opening Ceremony ---

Yep, she was positive. They were soul mates.

Seeing her an hour before the opening ceremony was one thing but being seated exactly right next to her is more than just coincidence. She felt giddy as the butterflies made its self known. "This is soooo like an anime!" she happily thought to herself, recalling memorable episodes of her favourite shows where the protagonist would make his/her fateful encounter with their fated companion.

"But how should I greet her?" she pondered, weighing how much of an impact she'd make on the smaller girl based on her greeting.

Oh well, you know what they say; go big or go home.

"Hey, hey..." she taps the smaller girl's shoulder. Her eyes flashing with purpose as their eyes met, her mouth curling up into a wide toothy grin. "My name's (Bf/n), Shiratorizawa swimming club's future ace! What's yours?"

--- Chapter 3 (One month later) ---

"Uwaaa~ this is waaaayyy beyond coincidence!" she snickered. Carefully, she crawled her way up the stairs—her hands tightly holding unto each step as she made sure to keep out of the couple's line of sight. Although, she concluded that with how the two were having a 'VERY' vocal conversation at the moment, she didn't have to worry with getting caught eavesdropping. "Eavesdropping my ass, I can't hear them from here... well, not like they're talking but still..." she thought to herself, her cheeks puffing up in the process.

She watched them fondly, proudly like a mother would when watching her child achieve something great. "I should really be leavi—OH WHAT?!" she shrieked, her hands quick to cover her mouth—fearing that she might unconsciously let out a sound.

"Code red... Oh my god! They're holding hands!! Okay, okay (bf/n)... you got this... calm down... calm down..." (bf/n) cooed to herself, using her hands to fan herself in the process. It was all happening too fast in her opinion and yet she couldn't help the giddiness that raked her body as she saw the scene before her unfold. Her cheeks were aflame; her eyes nearly bulging out in extreme surprise and quite possibly joy—barely unable to stop herself from squealing.

"Ohhhh~ and (f/n)-chan looks so cute right now, I swear if Ushijima-senpai does something stupid I am gonna brea-" her thoughts were interrupted when the sound of a whistle suddenly echoed through the halls. Hurriedly, she ducked lower from her spot when she noticed her friend's attempt of escape—if you would call it that.

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