Panic rose in Carroll when she heard a.. weird sound coming from the master's bed room followed by a loud thud. 'What was that sound? An intruder broke into our house?' Carroll took her pen, a knife in disguise, as she slowly walked to the master's bedroom.

She held the doorknob and twisted it. It wasn't locked, how stupid of the intruder. She pushed the door open and what she saw next made her speechless.

"No.. Leave!.." I exclaimed, my body suddenly jolting as my eyes shot open. Tears were flowing endlessly on my cheeks the moment I woke up. I quickly sat up and looked around the surroundings, no one is with me. I quickly wiped the tears off my face and fixed myself.

Three knocks were heard on the door minutes after I regained myself. "Coming," I shouted. I stood up and went to open the door. "Hey Carroll, seems like student council is stressing you huh? It's already thirty past seven and we should eat.." Georgina teased. Thankfully, my eyes aren't swollen, which doesn't make it obvious that I just cried. I followed her to wherever she's taking me.

That goddamn dream again. Why do I always have to be reminded of her?!

"Sorry, I just ordered a pepperoni pizza and a pineapple pizza.. And just grab soda there.." Emma apologized and carried the food to the couch. I went to the fridge and got myself a soda. "Hey Carroll, get me a beer and soda too!" Georgina shouted from the couch. I grabbed what she wanted and gave them to her.

I took my seat beside Emma and started eating up. "Switch channels.." Georgina demanded, reaching for another pizza. "Nah, 2 broke girls is good, shut your mouth up Georgie." Emma replied, sipping on her drink. "Goddammit, go Netflix and chill.." Georgina exclaimed, attempting to get the remote from Emma. "Whatcha goin' to watch? Huh?" Emma asked, protecting the remote.

It's so fun watching these two argue about nonsense things. A chuckle almost escaped me but it didn't so, eh..

"Everything sucks," Georgina huffed in annoyance as she reached for the goddamn remote. "Yeah I know, so what's the series called?" Emma asked as she leaned back, stretching her arms to the air. "It's called Everything sucks! Goddamn Emma, give me the fucking remote!" Emma surrendered the remote to Georgina, putting her hands in the air after.

"God, why are you so crazy about that series?" Emma asked scratching her head. "Just watch and see for yourself Ems." Georgina finally set it up then we watched Everything sucks. I reached for a pineapple pizza as the show continued to play. The scene was.. .......

What the fuck?

The Emaline who is I think, always picking on Kate.. She likes Kate?! What?! They.. They.. I don't know but when they did that, I felt my stomach, like something tickled my insides.. When they kissed.. I must've gone crazy because of the news earlier, I don't feel like myself.

"Carroll, you alright?" Georgina whispered beside me while Emma was so focused on the show. I just nodded, not wanting anymore of her attention. I excused myself and told Georgie that I'll just take a hot bath. "If you need something just say it, okay?" I gave her a short nod then went to the bathroom. Georgina is so sweet, caring and understanding, this is why I trust her. I mean Emma is too, but she's a bit immature.. Georgina doesn't show this side of her to anyone, only to her closest friends, like me and Emma. Well you see, she's a bully. Just to a person though, she only bullies this particular girl at school..

A Walk On IceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora