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"hey you wanna go skate today?" kappy asked. "sure" she replied.

"how about we go in 15 minutes?" he asked. "sounds good. i'll go get changed" she said. "but you look good in my shirt" he winked at her. she blushed and turned away.

they arrived at the rink and got their skates on. they stepped out on the ice and skated around for a bit. they held hands as they skated.

"you know i'm proud of you. for how far you've gotten in the past few months." he said. "i don't get it. what did i do to make you feel proud?" she asked.

"you lost your brother. i know that was really hard for you. and i'm proud of you because you pushed through it. you got through the pain" he said.

"yeah and i am very lucky that i had you and nova by my side. you never left or gave up on me even when i pushed you away." she said.

they arrived home from the rink and picked a movie to watch. kappy made a bowl of popcorn and hope grabbed the blankets and put the movie on. the movie was the lovely bones.

kappy carried the popcorn over to the couch and placed it on the table. he sat down next to hope and they pulled the blankets on their bodies. then kappy grabbed the popcorn and placed it on his lap.

kappy put his arm around hope and held her close to him. hope pressed play and leaned into kappy. he placed a kiss on her head and focused his attention on the tv.

they spent the rest of the day together. it was around 10 o'clock and kappy headed to his apartment. after he left hope went into her room.

she hopped in the shower. when she was done she changed into sweats and a sweatshirt. she climbed into bed and got comfortable.

she turned off her light and laid down on her back. she was looking up at the ceiling and smiling to herself. she was thinking of chase.

her mind replayed her favorite memory. it was when hope was 17 and chase was 18. they were playing hockey.

it was winter time. they were at this park and they turned the basketball court into a mini hockey rink. they played a little one on one. it was their favorite thing to do.

hope had the puck and was skating towards chase. she managed to get past him and scored on him. she was really happy about it and was laughing and smiling.

then when chase had the puck he was skating towards her and she tried to get the puck from him and only ended up on her back laying on the ice.

she was laughing so much. their wasn't that much to laugh about. she was just laughing because she ended up on the ice on her back.

and chase joined laughing with her. they laughed for a good two minutes.

hope smiled to herself, remembering how happy she was with her brother in that moment.

then she thought about kappy. she thought of the many time they spent together. the many moments they shared. and she smiled at the thought of that. and soon she drifted off to sleep.

authors note
this is irrelevant but that bit about hope and chase playing hockey was one of my experiences. i was with my brother and we went to this park and skated and played a little hockey. i did land on my back and i'm not even sure how i did but whatever.

every moment ↠ kasperi kapanen✔️Where stories live. Discover now