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you better be ready
by the time i get there

don't worry i'm ready
now so you don't have
to wait and complain
to me about how long
i was taking.

alright i'm heading
over now see you soon

i'll be waiting

i'm outside pls
hurry i want to
see you

hope put her phone in her pocket and slid her shoes on. she was wearing black leggings and her hockey sweatshirt that said "h.watson" and had the number 26 on the back.

she headed out the door and made her way over to kappy's car. she opened the door and slid in. "hi beautiful" kappy smiled. "hi kappy" hope smiled back.

kappy gave hope a peck on the cheek and they drove off to the ice rink. blasting music throughout the car speakers and screaming the lyrics to the songs that came on.

once they arrived at the rink they grabbed their skates and went in. when they both had their skates on they headed out onto the ice.

they hadn't done this in a while. they would usually go once a month to skate. they both missed it. they skated around the rink a few times, holding hands and making small talk.

"tell me about hockey i wanna know what happened" kappy said. "it's a long story" hope said. "it's a good thing we have time" kappy smiled.

"well, when i found out we had a new goalie i was a little mad. okay no i was really mad because i though that we had a new goalie way too soon. and my captain offered up my brothers old stall and i said no. i wasn't ready to let go of that. everything just seemed too soon. ethan got a little mad at me when i said no but i didn't care" hope told him.

"he's gotta at least be a good goalie right?" kappy asked. "yeah he's not that bad" hope admitted. "go on with the story" kappy said.

"ethan wanted everyone to introduce ourselves to him before we joined him on the ice but i didn't. i just went out of the locker room. i went to the bench as ethan was skating around and when he noticed me he skated over to me. then he started to get mad at me because i didn't introduce myself. but then i got mad at him because he talked about chase like he meant nothing to him or the team. he made me so angry and he had the nerve to tell me to suck it up and just practice. i listened anyway" hope continued.

hope went on to finish the story about how ethan told anthony to go easy on her and that she still had to talk to ethan about it.

they continued to skate around the rink and at one point even had a race to see who was the faster skater and hope won. she kept rubbing it in his face.

a little before they got off the ice kappy fell on his ass and hope laughed so hard that she was almost crying it was so funny.

every moment ↠ kasperi kapanen✔️Where stories live. Discover now