Chapter Nine - A Blink of An Eye

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"W-what's so funny, Kiro!? Ahh you're impossible!"

"You really did need my help in the end, didn't you?~"

"N-no! I didn't need your help!"

" Hmm hmm hmm, and who was it that was almost about to be trampled upon?~"

It was totally not me.

Wiping the tear out of my eye, I wanted to ask how she got in here in the first place. But the area surrounded us soon to blur out. With a flash of white light, we were back in the real world. Just outside the entrance to the mine shaft.

Dusting my clothes as I pick myself up as the instructor was waiting just beside me.

"Well, Kiro. It seems like you didn't live up to your word."


"Well that's no matter, so long as you're safe the little things don't matter. But I'd say, your partner and you must have a deep bond. For her to do that for you, I'll say you'll make a fine Alchemist one day."

I was at a lost for words as I couldn't quite understand what he was talking about.

"In any case, the day is getting quite old. May I have the things you've collected?"

He examines both the bottle and the bone. With the nod of his head, it was a given that It was all correct.

He then pulls out a paper, with official decorator. He signs it and passes it back onto me.

"Tomorrow morning at 9 am, you'll be meeting the lord. Don't be late, and be sure to have your manners ready as well as the dress to fit. I'm sure he'd be pleased to see you."

Looking at the paper, it was an official document given to those who have permission to have an audience with the current lord. I couldn't believe it, I'm just a day off from becoming an official Alchemist.

"Congratulations, Kiro. If all goes well, you'll be an Alchemist starting tomorrow." 

He smiles as he walks away.

With the paper in hand, I almost want to drop to the ground in relief. After all these years, I've finally done it.

"Yayyy did you hear that Kiro!? You're going to be a real Alchemist!!" 

She screams in joy and hugs me from behind.

"W-wa! Of course I heard! Now could you get off me people are looking at us!" I mention.

"Awwts, and here I'd thought you'd lighten up.." She sobs.

"Hey Kiro! Sweet, it looks like you made it too. I was worried." A voice calls out from behind.

I turn around as I see Kai, with an identical paper in his left hand, he waves to me with his right. Beside him was a pile of rubble, as he moves closer towards me. It would follow him too, as it changes form but collapses straight after his master comes to a halt.

"Oh you made it too?" I say.

"Ahaha, the test was a breeze. How about you? And I see you have your partner here too." He grins.


"It was a cakewalk, the golem was troubling though. But that's that, not a problem." I convey with a sigh.

"Golem? All I fought was a slime, a wolf and a lesser fire spirit. Nothing big like a Golem." He mentions as something didn't seem quite right here.

"You're lying, we were in a mirrored world. Everything was the exact same, there's no way-"

"It may have been a mirrored world, but have you stopped to think that it may have been a different one entirely?" He asks.

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