Fake Visions ✔

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The twin's group has been trapped by the vipers that block the exit. But the viper's master, Bourbon, is already dead. (Y/n) has something planned but… she is hesitating. What is she going to do that is making her upset?


"The one who set this trap is dead? How?" Kurapika asked Ponzu. She looked at me and then looked away.

"I killed him. I won't tell you how." She simply said.

"Gon, take Leorio." Kurapika said and he went up to Bourbon. He slowly reached out his hand to touch the dead body but then a lot of vipers protected him.

"They are still protecting him even though he's dead..?" I mumbled as I looked at Kurapika.

"It's no use. You won't be able to search his body. The snakes are trained to attack the moment anyone tries to touch their master or to leave the cave." Ponzu said.

"So you used poison to fight poison. Judging from his wounds, you must of used Neurotoxic Bees. He probably died from anaphylactic shock." As always, Kurapika was on point.

"Anaphylactic shock?" Gon asked as I helped him make Leorio sit.

"When a bee stings a human, the human produces antibodies to counter the venom. But if that human is stung again by the same kind of bee, they experience an allergic reaction. An extreme allergic reaction is known as anaphylactic shock. Depending on the circumstances, it can be fatal." Kurapika explained as he looked at us.

"You got me. That's exactly what happened." Ponzu smirked.

"So you used bees to kill him?" Gon asked as I eyed her.

"Bourbon was my target. After confirming that he'd entered the cave. I sprayed sleeping gas into the entrance, and waited until it was safe to enter. Bourbon was sound asleep, but he'd already set his trap. The sleeping gas didn't reach most of the snakes that were hiding in cracks at the back of the cave. Well, I jumped back in time, so I wasn't bitten by snakes. But that triggered my attack switch." She tapped her hat and bees came out. I was surprised as well as Kurapika and Gon.

"You keep bees up there?"

"If I scream or collapse, they'll attack any nearby humans. I didn't expect him to die. How could I have known that he'd already been stung once? And I couldn't help him because of the snakes. Well, it was beyond my control anyway." She did a little dance with her finger. "You can come back now." She said and the bees went back inside her hat. "The problem is that he's dead, but the viper trap is still active. And we can't ask him or look for a way to disarm it. We're trapped with no escape. I've already given up. We just have to wait for the examiners to come and save us."

It was obvious gon wasn't okay with that plan. "Look after Leorio." He said being serious and walked toward Bourbon.

"What are you doing? Didn't you hear what I just said? Hello?" Ponzu called out to him.

Gon stood in front of Bourbon, quietly. He reached out his hand to Bourbon's pocket and then a lot of snakes were all covering his body. "Found it!" He yelled as he showed us a bottle with purple liquid. He yelled Kurapika's name and threw the bottle and 2 needles at him, which he caught. Gon fell down and the snakes went away from his body.

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