Mordecai x Pastel Grumpy Reader

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You woke up with a huge headache and sore muscles, you woke up multiple times throughout the night and even when you did sleep it was awful. You kept tossing and turning until you eventually gave up and stumbled out of bed, you walked to your kitchen kinda excited to have your favorite cereal for breakfast but noticed it was gone so you grunted and threw some toast in the toaster. You scrolled through your phone and waited for the toast to pop but when it did it was burnt so you just threw it in the garbage and began getting dressed. You threw on a galaxy dress with a pastel purple choker, a blue and purple flower crown, and some black vans. You threw your hair into a messy side braid and began walking to the park. The park near your apartment building was having a public barbecue and you didn't really wanna go but your friend really wanted you to come with her cause she thought it would be fun and was the type of person who loved going out all the time. The park was only about a 10 minute walk so you put in your earbuds and began walking to the park, when you arrived you saw a banner and a bunch of picnic tables under a pavilion. As you got closer you realized there weren't that many people there, maybe about 25 not including the workers so that made you feel a little better. You sat down and waited for your friend at a table until you heard your phone beep and saw a text from her "Hey, I'm super sorry but I can't make it today. Not feeling that well." You sighed extremely loudly and put your head down on the table, you felt like everything that could go wrong, went wrong. You slowly put your head back up and decided to stay for free food, there was really no point in walking all the way back home before eating since your breakfast was ruined. You grabbed a plate of food with some chips and listened to some lame DJ the park hired, obviously on a budget, play songs that no one even listens to anymore and began eating your food. You saw a tall man with blue and black hair walking towards you, you weren't exactly in the mood to have a conversation with anybody but you had to admit he was really good looking. He finally made his way to you and began to talk "Hey umm wanna buy some raffle tickets?" You chuckled and replied "With the luck I'm having today I would be crazy to gamble." He laughed a little bit "Eh don't feel too bad, the prizes are super lame anyways. My boss made my friend and I buy them and we didn't know what to get so we just got a bunch of junk from the dollar store a couple blocks over." You smiled a bit at him, glad to have some entertainment for the first time today. "No offense but this whole thing is pretty lame." You replied hoping he wasn't easily offended. He sat down across from you "Oh yeah it totally is, but my boss is being super annoying and making us all do this. Don't tell anyone I told you this but I hate when we do public events at the park. Oh and I hope you don't mind me sitting down, I just really need a break." You felt a little better that you weren't the only one having a bad day today. "Yeah no problem, my friend ditched me so it's nice to have some company. Hey what's your name anyways?" He smiled obviously happy that he found something to do besides work. "Mordecai, and what's yours?" You told him your name and you guys began to chat about how boring today was, his eyes began to glisten as he came up with an idea. "You know today doesn't have to be so bad.." You looked at him confused but intrigued "Oh yeah? Why's that?" His mouth began to form a mischievous smile "Let's go into the house and play video games, I mean if you like video games that is." You didn't exactly even know where "the house" was but you were so bored you would do pretty much anything and you really loved video games. "Let's do it!" He got extremely excited "Yess, follow me!" You two quickly ran from the barbecue so Mordecai's boss wouldn't see him leave and when you got to the house a couple minutes later you saw a bunch of video game systems. You two decided to play Mario kart, you played as Rosalina and he played as Mario. Both of you were extremely competitive so there was a lot of yelling but it was all in good fun. As you two raced you suddenly felt your mood change from extremely sour to extremely happy, especially when you crossed the finish line first during the last race and ended up winning the whole thing. "Aww what?! I totally would of won if that blue shell didn't hit me earlier." He yelled. You chuckled "Yeah suree Mordecai. Definitely." You said sarcastically as you rolled your eyes. Suddenly Mordecai went into the kitchen and you stayed on the couch waiting for him to come back assuming he went to the bathroom or something. He came back with a bunch of snacks and you automatically jumped up and started eating, you didn't eat much at the barbecue and you had no breakfast so you were hungry. He laughed as he started downing a bunch of snacks with you, and you two cracked open some soda and began playing a different game. You lost track of time as you guys played video games, and ate snacks, and made little jabs at each other. You never really connected this well with a stranger and you were having a lot of fun, until you heard the door open and saw a short guy with brown hair standing at the door. He looked at Mordecai and started talking "Dude Benson is gonna be pissed at you, you totally disappeared through the whole barbecue." He looked at you and furrowed his eyebrows extremely confused "Who's that?" Mordecai just looked at him with a blank face. "Rigby I don't even wanna hear it, you've done worse. And this is Y/N, she's my friend." Rigby laughed a little bit and started to taunt Mordecai "Oh great Mordecai has a new girlfriend, I wonder what new and exciting ways you're gonna mess this one up." Mordecai automatically started blushing "Shut up Rigby she's not my girlfriend!" Rigby laughed looking at how red Mordecai's face was getting. "Well Mordecai its time to kiss you girlfriend goodbye cause we have to go clean up the pavilion." Mordecai's face became beat red as he looked at you "Thanks for hanging out with're really cool." He was stuttering and looking down. You walked over to him and asked to see his phone, he handed it to you and you typed in your number handing it back to him and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. Mordecai was shocked but completely happy at the same time as you began to walk out. You giggled "Hey he said there should be a kiss goodbye, oh and have fun cleaning up." You said with a smirk as you began to walk home knowing you'd hear from him again soon.

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