Rigby x Artist Reader

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You gathered your sketch book and array of art supplies and put it in your bag, it was a Saturday so that meant it was your day to just sketch various things and explore the city. You were a student at an art school nearby and always had a passion for art, you could draw all types of different things like people, animals, almost anything that came to mind, it was the one thing you always excelled at. Although you could create many things you always loved to draw landscapes, ever since you were young you would look out the window at your school or at your house and begin to draw everything you saw. You put your H/C hair in a high ponytail, grabbed your bag, and headed for a park you've never been to before. You walked there, you almost always walked unless it was raining or the weather was too cold, it gave you a chance to take things in and you always got your best ideas for art pieces while walking. You arrived at the park about 20 minutes later and walked through the gates, right when you saw the beautiful park you knew you'd have a lot to work with, the grass was so vibrant and you could see birds flying above the trees, there were tiny ponds with little ducklings and their mother, and a beautiful fountain in the center of the park. You began to wonder why you've never come here before but already decided you'd be back. You sat on a nearby hill and decided to start sketching the lake, you began to draw and just listened to the birds chirping. It was extremely peaceful until you heard a loud yell that was getting closer and closer to you. "WHATEVER MORDECAI, I DIDN'T EVEN WANNA PLAY PUNCHIES!!! YOU KNOW I HATE THAT GAME!!" You looked up quickly causing your pencil to move and mess up the line you were working on. You grunted and started to erase, feeling especially annoyed cause you thought the picture was coming out really well. You decided to start blank and start sketching the fountain saying you'd fix the one of the lake after. Right when you were about to start a man with brown hair and hazel eyes approached you, he looked angry and a little sad. He was holding his arm in pain looking at the ground muttering to himself. He looked up at you and jumped back, obviously surprised to see you. "Umm hey what's up?" He asked. You were naturally kinda shy so you looked down at your paper as you answered "Just drawing." You answered quietly. "Oh cool! You're drawing the park, can I see??" He said excitedly. "I haven't really got much done yet." You began gazing off and started drawing without even looking at the paper. Suddenly you hear another voice in the distance "Rigby you big baby, come on we gotta clean the gutters!!" He looked even more mad when he heard that "Hey wanna come with me to hide from him, I know a really nice spot where you could draw and I could hide?" You hesitantly said yes because you wanted to see the spot he was referring to. He led you to a really nice hidden clearing in the woods, surrounded by willow trees and a tire swing attached to one of the trees. It was honestly gorgeous, nothing like you've ever drawn before. You sat down and begin to sketch as he talked to you again. "So how good are you at drawing?" You laughed a little bit at the question, not knowing how to answer. "Well I've been doing it since I was like 6 so hopefully I'm at least a little good." You replied while zoning out and just sketching. That was the best type of sketch, where you don't even have to think about it. Your hand just glides across the paper, creating what's on your mind. He asked to look at some of your art work and you handed him an old sketch book you had in your bag. He gasped at all the work and told you it was really nice. You smiled and said thank you. "You know I usually don't even like art stuff, I find it boring. But your art is different, I could look at it all day." He said casually, but it made you blush like crazy. You asked him why he was yelling earlier and you could see his eyes light up, you could tell he had a story that he wanted to tell but couldn't find anyone that cared enough to hear. "My stupid friend Mordecai wanted to play punchies with me to see who has to clean the gross part of the gutter, he knows I'm not good at punchies and he knows he's stronger then me and he really hurt my arm, so I left the jerk and bumped into you. I'm leaving him there all day so he has to clean the whole thing now.." He went on and on about how his friend made him mad and you just listened patiently, his voice was really soothing and it helped you continue your art work. He finally finished telling his story and began asking about some of your art work. He asked about the meaning behind a piece you did and you would tell him and he would look amazed almost every time, you felt really good that someone was this interested in your artwork. You two stayed there for hours as you explained every sketch in your old sketch book to him, and his attention never began to wander from you. Eventually the conversation turned into how both of your childhoods were, and your hopes, and your achievements. As the sun began to set you looked down at the sketch you were slowly making through the whole thing and saw a picture of you and Rigby sitting under a willow tree in the woods. You blushed as you noticed his arm was around you in the picture, he ran up to you to see what you made and his cheeks became a little red. "I really love that one." He said while his cheeks became even more red. You handed it to him "Here for you, free of charge." He got extremely happy as he took the picture and gazed at it. "Are you sure you wanna give it away for free? I have a little bit of money." You smiled at him "Don't worry, it's the least I can do. You'll be my inspiration for many more art pieces I do." You realized what you said and instantly shut up. He smiled and handed you his number "We should make more artwork together." You agreed and typed his number in your phone. He walked you to the gates of the park and hugged each other as you said goodbye. You heard Mordecai yelling at Rigby for ditching him in the distance as you began to walk home and chuckled to yourself. Suddenly landscapes weren't your absolute favorite thing to draw anymore.

AN: I hoped you liked this, I'm not completely sure if this is what you wanted when you requested it but I tried haha.

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