The Gauntlet

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"The gauntlet!"
"No! It's mine!"

It was the race to get the gauntlet.
The Admin vs Jesse.

"Jesse! I've got him!"
Jack had grabbed the Admins leg but the Admin was quick to react and punched jack in the face.

The Admin flew over to the gauntlet.
Jesse ran over to the gauntlet.
The Admin.
The Admin.
Only one of them could get the gauntlet.

And it was The Admin.

"HAHA! YES!!!" The Admin laughed
The gauntlet slipped onto his hand and was glowing a bright golden yellow.

Jesse's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open.
"No... no no no no no no..."
Jesse's thoughts began to become bad thoughts.
'I failed them.' 'it's my fault.' 'we're all gonna die because of me.'
Jesse shook the thoughts away when he noticed the Admin looking down on him.

"Are you just gonna stand there thinking about how worthless you are?"
Jesse looked at him.
"I can read your mind, y'know. I'm a god."

"Admin! Leave Jesse alone!" Petra shouted at the Admin
"Ok then, I'll just come for you then!" The Admin screamed in rage and flew right at Petra.

And hit her with the gauntlet.



Petra fell of the ledge.
Her screams got quieter the further she fell.

Tears poured out of Jesse's eyes.

"No! You monster!"
Jack ran at the Admin with a diamond sword and swung it at him.

The Admin poofed jacks sword away.

And hit Jack with the gauntlet too.



Jack fell off the same ledge as Petra and screamed.

Jesse just stood there, unable to do anything.
He then just broke down on his knees and started to sob.

The Admin looked down on Jesse, "Your pathetic."

"I know..."

"Yeah, you should." The Admin sighed, "I suppose I should just kill you too, hm?" He looked at the gauntlet, still glowing a golden yellow.

Jesse didn't respond.


Jesse got up and walked to the edge of the platform and looked down.
"I suppose it's better to die by yourself rather than have your villain kill you."

The Admin only looked at him.

Jesse then jumped of the ledge.
Oof Uh hi I finally posted something

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