A Good Friend

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"Jesse! Jesse!"
Jesses head bolted up from the paperwork he was doing, he was expecting Radar to run in, worried about the tinniest thing, but no. It wasn't Radar. It was Romeo.

"Jesse! I HATE your townspeople! Y'know they are the WORST!" Romeo said angrily.
"Wow, hey Romeo. Slow down for a second." Jesse said, "What happened?" He asks calmly.
"I already said, your towns people are the worst!"
"Yes- I know you already said that but can you tell me what happened?"
"They're so mean and horrible to me! And I hate it! I hate it jesse! They make me feel so unwelcomed here in BeaconTown!" Romeo shouts.
"What do they say to you?" Jesse asks.
"They say that I'm a terrible person for everything I've done! And I know I've done some... well, horrible things, but, I regret doing all the bad things I done." Romeo says, "They treat me like some animal."
"Right. Do you want me to go speak to them? I could try and sort things out?" Jesse asks Romeo.
"Yeah! Yeah, that would be good! Go and tell them they're a stuck up little pig-"
"Romeo, no. Im not saying that." Jesse laughs.
"It's not funny. It's a true fact!" Romeo says.
"I'm gonna go talk to the townspeople,but, you need to come with me and tell me who said stuff to you, alright? You need to come and describe who the people were, ok?" Jesse says.
Romeo huffs, "Fine."
"C'mon then, Romeo."
Jesse then stands up from his desk and stretches, it sure does get tiring signing paper work. He then walks to the order halls entrance with Romeo and walks out the automatic door.

Romeo and Jesse were walking through Beacontown. Everything had cleaned up since 'jesse' took control of everything. The townspeople where super helpful helping cleaning up the mess Romeo had made but, they have not let him forget what he had done.
Romeo was getting angry stares from people and some people were avoiding him because they where scared.
"Alright, who said stuff to you? And if you don't know their name try and describe what they look like."
"That pig guy. The one who I made murder those pigs." Romeo says
Jesses eyes widened, "Riiiight..."
"Ah, uh nothing. C'mon, let's go find that 'pig guy'." Jesse says and starts to look for the pig guy with Romeo.
"He's usually standing at his pig stand isn't he?" Romeo asks
"Yeah. He's always trying to sell his pigs or something. Guess he can't sell those pigs that he had before since.. well since what happened to them."
Romeo exchanged a guilty look but didn't say anything.
"Lord Von Thunderpork VI was gonna be Reuben for the pig parade..."
"Oh. I- uh I didn't know that. I'm sorry..."
"No Romeo. It's fine. Really. It is."
Romeo just continued to have a guilty look on his face.
"Uh let's maybe change subje-"
"There he is!" Romeo says and points over to the pig guy.

The pig guy was standing next to a wall looking pretty annoyed.
Jesse and Romeo walked up to him, the pig guy exchanged a happy look to Jesse but an angry look to Romeo.
"Heya jesse, nice seeing you. Although it's not nice seeing him." The pig guy said obviously meaning that 'Him' was Romeo.
"Hey, Hey, let's be nice alright? He's trying to fix the mess he made so leave him alone" Jesse told the pig guy.
"But Jesse! He's the admin." The pig guy whispered to Jesse.
"Uh, you do know I can hear you, right?" Romeo says.
"Shut up."
Romeo just shrunk back and looked to the ground.
"Why are you being mean to him?" Jesse asked.
"Because, if you hadn't noticed, he made me kill my pigs! My precious...little... baby... pigs." The pig guy has a sad look on his face, almost looking as if he was gonna cry.
"Well yeah I know but..." Jesse sighs, "Look, Romeo knows what he did was wrong and he's trying to fix his mistakes. Saying mean things to him is gonna make him feel bad and then he'll just give up on trying. So you need to stop, alright? And if you don't... Well we'll uh... uh-"
"Banish you from this world!" Romeo shouts out
The pig guy looks scared for a moment and looks at Jesse, "You wouldn't do that, right?"
"I dunno. Maybe I will, maybe I won't," Jesse says obviously joking.
"AHHHHHHHHH!!!" The pig guy screams and runs off.
"Well that was surprisingly effective." Jesse says and shrugs.
"Yeah, it was," Romeo says and starts to laugh, "He ran off like a chicken who's head had just been blown off with TNT, haha!"
Jesse just looked at Romeo with an 'are you ok' look.
"Ok maybe that's a bit to far, I'll admit. But it's funny." Romeo says.
"You have a very strange sense of humour, Romeo."
"Ah yes, I suppose I do, heh." He smiles
"Right. Let's go find the other people and teach them a lesson." Jesse says.
"One down, the whole of BeaconTown to go!"
"Wait What?!" Jesse blurts out surprised.
"That was a joke. A very good joke, right? Haha!" Romeo says, obviously very proud of his 'joke' if you'd call it a joke.
"Erm riiiight." Jesse says.

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