Chapter 5 - life just keep getting worse

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I can hear the sound of monotonous beeping softly echoing around me.
I strain to open my eyes and focus on my surroundings.
It’s all so blurry to me.
I can make out the basic shapes and I can tell that I am in a large white room.
I looked over to where the beeping was coming from.
As my eyes adjusted to light, I see that it is some sort of heart monitor.
I feel dread and panic take a hold of me and I quickly look around.
I see that I am not alone.
There are other patients lying in beds next to mine.
It seems that they are either too busy being asleep or watching TV to even look in my direction.
I try to move my arms but I can’t!
I try kicking the steril white sheets and blanket off but my legs are tied down.
What happened!?
I was met Watson again and now I am strapped down onto this God awful bed!?
Just how did I even get here!?
I hear footsteps echoing into the room.
Shey walks up to me.
“Well... Good morning Liz. Actually it is the afternoon but the sentiment is all the same.”
“Shey, what’s going on!? What happened!? Why am I strapped to this bed!?”
Shey looks puzzled.
the paramedics  found you on Mark Street, passed out. Just what were you doing out there?”
“I’m so confused.”
My head feels fuzzy as I try and think back to what happened.
I looked back to Shey.
“Honestly I feel relieved that you are here, Shey. To think what would’ve happened if Mycroft found out.”
“Speaking of which. My dear brother is on his way.”
He smiles smugly.
“What!? How does he know!? I swear to God if you told him anything!”
“Oh I didn’t tell him anything, you did.”
“What the fuck do you mean I told him?"
He took out his phone and showed me a video recording.
' This video is dedicated to our beloved government '
I completely forget about the video!
"I must say great job of beating this guy up"
"Not funny Shey"
"Yes indeed, Not funny at all brother"
Danm it. He's here.
"Oh Hello dear brother of mine have you missed me?" said Shey.
"Not in particular, I have much more valuable things to tend to"
He turned to me with a serious look and said: "Well if it isn't Elizabeth Mary Holmes"
This is straight up the scariest face I've ever seen.
"Heyyyy Mycroft ma man...what's up?"
"Don't attempt to avoid the situation Elizabeth, what you did today is very serious and things are about to change from now on"
"Define change please"
"We will discuss this later right now I need to talk to your doctor, you had yet another psychotic episode back there" and so he went just like that.
I belive I forgot to mention that I've been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia a year ago after bunch of these episodes happen.
and since then Mycroft got extra careful about everything, I mean it, EVERYTHING, he was always over protective but let's just say it got worse, it's like he thinks I'm still that innocent little girl, surprise!
I'm not.
At the entrance of the room he was standing talking to the doctor when I suddenly remembered: "Omg! Mycroft where's John?!"
He couldn't figure what I was saying.
"What do you mean Elizabeth?"
"He...he was with me back at Mark st. He helped me with my leg I got a sprain...where is he!!"
At that point the doctor spoke up his name was Dr. Bryce:
"Ok Ok let's all just relax for a second"
He got closer to me and bend over "who is John Darling?" I was too shocked to talk so Sherlock did it for me: "He is...was a...friend of mine and we are Liz's legal guardians"
"Were" I added.
John died during a case he and Sherlock worked on long ago,
"so now it's only Mr. Sherlock here...and I" said Mycroft.
that moment was a break down for me, he is not dead I am sure of it!
"He is not dead, he was there with me today! He helped me! Thats why my leg is better!"
I screamed.
" the reason your leg is better is because we took care of it and gave you some pain killers.
Tell me darling, what else did you see back there?"
I knew where he was going with this but I didn't wanna go there, I didn't wanna hear him say it...I knew that if I said what I saw there, it meant John really is dead
"I don't know some weird freaky alien monsters saying they were waiting for me and that I need to come with them,"
He was writing everything down, making sure not to miss a single detail.
"Then I heard a few gun shots and before I noticed they were all lying on the ground, dead"
Silence. Not a word was said, so I continued.
"And then John just appeared from the dark holding a gun"
They were all looking at each other and I looked at them, confused, what's the matter with these people?
"What? Thats the truth! You asked me to tell you so I did,.
I'm telling you this time is different, it's not just in my head!"
I'm not crazy, I know it!
Shelock sat next to me with a serious look on his face, the same look he had the day John died.
"Listen know he's dead, I have abselotly no idea what you saw back there, well I mean delusions are obviously a common symptom of ..."
"Ahamm, it's not the time Sherlock..." Mycroft made it very clear that this was not the time for analysing bullshit.
"What I am trying to say is that...none of these things actually happened, it was yet another psychotic episode"
"I am not fucking crazy Ok?! I know what I saw!"
"Language young lady"
"Oh shut it Mycroft!" He can really be a pain in the ass sometimes.
"No one here thinks you are crazy...well...more then usual"
"Joking brother..."
"Elizabeth look" said Mycroft,
"There was no movement around his grave area since his death, no evidence that he might be alive in any cause...becase he is indeed dead my dear, you know we made sure of it "
I felt like I was choking on my own tears, I didn't even realise I was crying.
"No no no no... look guys I promise you, I know what I saw, I'm not crazy please... you have to belive me"
Believe me, I'm just as heartbroken just as you, but you have to wake up!"
This is the first time I heard Sherlock admitting it, he's even more sad then me...
"NO! he's not dead ok? I refuse to believe that when I know the truth!"
I was kicking and jumping and screaming all over.
"Mr. Holmes! What are you trying to do?
Schizophrenic patients do not see what you see, they see their delusions as an absolute reality, telling them it's not just makes them feel more out of control" Dr. Bryce said as if I wasn't in the room.
Both Sherlock and Mycroft looked worried... even terrified, especially Mycroft.
"Ok gentlemen I suggest you leave now "
"No no... no one here is leaving ...please...PLEASE!!"
But they did..Dr. Bryce Wouldn't let them stay there.
2 nurses came in and held me down to the bed while I was trying to run after them.
"What the fuck are you doing?!
get away from me, leave me alone,I need to find John!"
But it was too late when I felt a prick of needle in my hand and my vision became blurry...again.
"Please...Dr....I need to find him"
"Don't worry Mrs. Holmes, everything will be all right, I promise"
I could barely hear him, because then I was way gone into darkness.

what is going on hu?!
Stay tuned for more
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