Chapter Five

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The mission was fairly simple and complicated from the beginning. They were supposed to extinguish a massive wellhead fire in a Nigerian village that was set by rebels who wanted to topple its government by destroying their most valuable resource.

The rebel group was called the Damisa, dedicated to toppling their government. Mac noted that their efforts had been working so far and he gave them credit for it but it wouldn't work for long. At least not now that he was there. It was his and Jack's duty to thwart any efforts of any one man or person who tried to upset the balance of order wherever they were. This was what the Phoenix Foundation was here for.

Things got difficult pretty fast once they hit the ground but like always they hit the ground running. Appallingly, things went from bad to worst within seconds of the hitting the ground. The rebels had seen them parachute from the plane and land in the area and were on them in what felt like a hairsbredth of a second.

They put up a fight.

However, once Mac had been punched in the stomach and hit with the butt of the AK one of the rebels had, effectively being knocked out, Jack yelled out. Then the fight had turned into a leverage/surrender situation and when Cage and Jack placed their guns on the ground, the rebels took the five of them to a truck. Loading them inside and tossing Mac unceremoniously inside, they shut the doors and soon they heard an engine start up.

Five minutes into the drive to whatever base the rebels had set up, Mac started to come around. None too gently either. Groaning, he sat up and raised a hand to his temple, flinching at the touch and looked around at his teammates. The truck hit a bump and Mac grimaced from being jostled around before trying to find a way to escape.

As he worked on a contraption to get them out of this mess, Mac's vision cut out on him and went blurry, causing his to fumble with his swiss army knife. Blinking rapidly, he cleared his sight and continued what he was doing. Moments later his vision went blurry again and he felt woozy; unable to stay focused, he dropped the knife and shook his head tiredly.

"Mac, you alright?" Jack asked, concern crossing his features.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it, we gotta get out of here." Mac said. The truck began to slow down before rolling to a complete stop. At the sound of voices and slamming doors, Mac hid the contraption he built behind his back as the doors opened. The light that flooded into the back of the van blinded them momentarily, allowing their captors to drag them out one by one. Jack was pulled out first then Cage, Riley and Bozer. Mac was the last to be dragged out of the van and once he was on his feet, he lost his balance and Jack had to steady him.

"You can't keep us here." Bozer tried talking to the rebels.

Mac observed the rebels, frowning. There was something utterly wrong with this and he smelled sulfur. Watching as one of the rebels stalked toward him, he found out why. The rebels' eyes turned completely black and Mac gasped as the rebel came to a stop in front of him.

"Hello Macky boy! How's it feel knowing that you're a Winchester?" The rebel said smirking,

"Mac, what's he talking about? How does he know your name?" Jack demanded but he was ignored.

"Demon." Mac breathed out, his shock keeping him frozen in place. His head was starting to ache really bad and he hoped to god he didn't have a concussion.

"Gold star for the boy with blue eyes!" The rebel--or demon--exclaimed dramatically. Suddenly the demon was inches from his face and Mac restrained himself from flinching back at the sudden closeness. It would be a lie if he said that he wasn't scared, because he was. Terrified actually.

Swallowing thickly and ignoring the throbbing inside his head, Mac asked, "What do you want?"

"What all demons want honey . . . Sam and Dean dead." The demon paused before continuing. "It's nothing personal but we need to draw them to us. And what better way to do that, than to hurt you and send them a message?"

Mac felt his heart drop at that and he started to panic. The first punch to the stomach hurt like hell and knocked the wind out of him. Unable to stand up straight, he doubled over and was hit again. He heard Jack and the others yelling for them to stop but the demons didn't care or heed their desperate begging. Mac cried out when he was kicked in the side and curled in on himself as the beating went on and on wothout an end.

"Stop it!" Riley yelled. "Stop! You're killing him!"

Mac couldn't breathe. One of the demons had kicked him in his ribcage and one of his ribs broke, probably puncturing a lung. His stomach was on fire and he felt sick. The worst thing was that his wrist was broken, having been mercilessly broken by one of the demons, and the pain was near unbearable. His whole body hurt and his vision kept tunneling in and out. The demon that adressed him earlier just smirked at Riley and grabbed his leg and still looking at Riley, he snapped it.

The scream that left Mac's lips was earshattering and ended with a loud wail of pain. Tears streamed down his cheeks and he squeezed his eyes shut, sobbing and wailing in pain. The demon carelessly dropped his leg, letting it fall on the ground, broken and mangled. Mac had never felt so much pain before in his life and he thought that his wrist was bad. The pain was beginning to take its toll and he began to see black.

Castiel . . . Dean . . . Please help me. Help me please. Hel--

Mac lost his battle with consciousness long before the flash of blinding white light and the gunshots that followed it.

Dean and Sam's POV

One minute. One minute was all it took.

Dean was surprised when Castiel suddenly grabbed him and Sam and angel flew them to Nigeria. He began to tell Cas off for doing this again after he's told him not to when he saw what was in front of him. The sight made him sick to his stomach, and he immediately drew his gun and started firing.

His little brother, younger than Sam, was lying on the ground in the middle of a clearing with demons surrounding him, beating the crap out of him. Mac was in horrible shape, his leg was at an unnatural angle and there was blood covering his torso. And he was unconscious. Dean heard crying and yelling and he took another look and saw that they weren't alone.

"Shut your eyes!" Castiel shouted.

Dean and Sam threw themselves over Mac, shielding him and closed their eyes as Castiel did his angel desintergration thing. When it was over Dean found himself facing a Sig pointed at his head.

"Who the hell are you?" The man demanded.

"Whoa, hey easy does it muchacho. Mac's our little brother, we're not here to hurt him." Dean explained, raising his hands in a 'I'm not going to do anything' gesture.

"Yeah, well, I've just seen some crazy shit muchacho, so forgive me if I'm not in a rush to believe you." The man said. "Now again, who are you?"

"I'm Dean. This is my brother Sam. And that's Castiel."

At that moment, Mac's eyes shot open and he made eye contact with Dean. A weak smile formed on his face. "D'n . . . you came."

Dean smiled back and cradled his head in his lap. "Yeah. Always little brother."

It was impossible to tell if Mac heard him because he was unconscious again withing seconds. Dean glanced up at Cas, pleading with his eyes. He didn't care that there were witnesses, he needed Cas to heal Mac now. Otherwise, he wouldn't make it.

Cas eyed the strangers before giving a single nod toward Dean. Reaching forward, Cas pressed two fingers to the blonde's forehead and healed him. Withing moments, every injury Mac had healed. Dean had never been more grateful for having his feathery ass around.

"He's healed and should be wake up in another hour or so." Castiel said. "That is enough time to get back home."

Dean nodded and looked up from his brother's slack face to meet the shocked faces of Mac's friends. Sam, who had been silent this whole time, finally spoke up.

"We'll explain once we get home."

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