Chapter Six

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Everything Dean had been taught, raised to do, never could have prepared him for the shock that came with discovering he had another brother, one he could actually call his baby brother. Mac was younger than Sam and way younger than himself, being twenty-three years old and already had more experience with college, law and improvisation than either one of them had. Mac had the life Sam had always wanted and Dean had only dreamed about, and now it was being torn apart because of some stupid ass vampire and down the gutter demons that wanted to hurt the older two Winchesters by way of only other blood relative they had left, even if Mac was just their half sibling.

However, that crap didn't matter to Dean. Family was family, didn't matter whether they were blood or not. As far as he was concerned, the half brother shit didn't take and for damn sure didn't mean a thing to him. Mac was family, regardless of whether he was a full blooded Winchester or not. Just like Cas was family and he wasn't even human. Dean had even considered Ruby family at some point, including Anna, Kevin and for some crazy non-existing reason, even Crowley.

In fact, now that he thought about it, Ruby and Meg were the ones who warned him about something big happening soon and that demons were probably on the prowl for something to lure them into a trap. It was a good thing Dean always had an arsenal on him and with him, otherwise he'd be dead a thousand times over. He was also grateful that John had been an intimidating force when he was growing up because Jack Dalton was definitely not someone to underestimate. He was a force to be reckoned with.

Dean saw it in the way he moved, the way he always kept Mac in his sight and within close distance, the determination in his eyes to not let anything hurt him. . . Dean understood that more than anyone because he was the same with Sam, and even now he was doing it with Mac. He didn't want to let him out of his sight either and it was strangely comforting that he wasn't the only one who was doing it. Sam did it but wasn't very aware of it and Cas was obvious.

"Explain." Dalton demanded, crossing his arms and leaning back against the nightstand in the motel room. "Now."

Dean glanced at his brother, eyes conveying that he wasn't going to start this off and Sam shook his head slightly, turning back to Jack.

"The first thing you need to know is that Mac's father is also our father too. You may know him as John MacGyver but his real name is John Winchester." Sam started. 

"We would never hurt him and we have every intention of keeping him safe. Mac's our baby brother, my baby brother, and anyone who tries to hurt him, will end up far worse than those demons out in Nigeria." Dean stated. When the four strangers looked at him he shrugged. "Just sayin'."

Dean shot them a wolfish grin and let Sam continue with the explanation. 

*  *  *

Mac woke slowly, his brain trying to adjust to the fact that he wasn't lying on a hard surface like the ground in Nigeria, but on a soft, plush surface that he auto-matically knew was a bed. His ears picked up on hushed voices and a chuckle that sounded strangely like Dean's and he felt his face muscles twist into a frown. It was then that he remembered the events that occurred in Nigeria and that his brothers and Cas came to help. He had a good idea why he wasn't in extreme pain anymore and why nothing seemed broken.

Thanks Cas, Mac thought as he opened his eyes and blinked up at the ceiling coated with cracking paint. A motel. He knew that was where he'd been taken, and a quick glance at the walls showing peeling striped wall-paper only added to his guess. Sitting up, Mac threw his legs over the side of the bed.

There were two different yelps for two different reasons that filled the room. Riley had yelped because she'd been standing with her back to him and had turned just as he sat up. Bozer had been sitting on the edge of the bed when he sat up and he'd gotten kicked when he swung his legs over the bed. Bozer had fallen backwards onto the floor in a heap, startled and heart racing.

Mac looked up at his friends and family, a bit startled at the fact that Sam, Dean, Cage, and Jack all had guns drawn in his direction. The corners of his mouth lifted slightly, the smile not quite reaching his eyes to mask the concern that was clear as day there.

"Is everything okay?" Mac knew it was a stupid question but he couldn't think straight at the moment. "I mean, are you guys okay?"

"You just gave me a freaking heart attack, man!" Bozer exclaimed from his spot on the floor. "And you kicked me!"

Mac offered an apologetic smile. "Sorry?"

The others had lowered their firearms and put them away. Jack quietly moved to kneel in front of Mac and a moment of silence passed before he was enveloped into his arms. Surprised and taken aback, Mac slowly returned the hug but their was something different about the embrace. Mac flicked his eyes to Sam and Dean and they just looked back with unwavering expressions and it clicked then.

Jack knew. They all knew. 

 Mac frowned and pulled away to look Jack in the eyes. "How much do you know?"

"Everything." It wasn't Jack who answered but Cage.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Jack asked.

Mac shrugged. "I only just found out myself and I couldn't. How do you tell someone that vampires and demons and shit like that exist and not be called crazy? What would you have thought if I did tell you before you saw it for yourself?"

"I would have thought you were crazy." Jack said.

"Exactly." Mac sighed. "You guys are my friends, family even. You know I would never keep something from you unless I had to."

"We know Mac." Bozer said. "We just didn't want you to deal with this on your own."

"Thank you." Mac told them.

"For what?" Riley asked.

"For everything."

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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