(30) We're a team.

Start from the beginning

"I told you I'd come back," she screeched. "I wouldn't leave you here forever,"

"It took you five years!" I replied exasperatedly.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to come back earlier, but my mother wasn't finished in Aus," she shrugged as she pulled away.

Jordan was my bestfriend who moved five years ago to Australia. I remember the day she left vividly. Jordan, Matt and I were inseprable, but when she left, it left a strain on both mine and Matt's hearts. I didn't know she'd come back, I lost all hope almost two years ago.

Her eyes flickered over to Kyle as soon as she saw him sanding there.

"Well, who are you?" She asked as she winked. I coughed in her direction.

"I'm the boyfriend," he stated as he wrapped an arm around my body. Jordan looked to me with wide eyes as her mouth opened. She slapped my shoulder.

"Oh, get you!" She gasped. "I leave and you get yourself a hot new boyfriend. Where's the real Cali?" She played. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up," I demanded.

"For a girl who didn't believe in love, you sure got yourself a looker," she replied. "How times change," she said to herself.

"Jordan," I trailed off.

"What?" She replied innocently, but her eyes twinkled. Suddenly, she gasped again. "Where's Matt?" She jumped up on to the balls of her feet.

"You'll have to look for him," I beamed at her. I couldn't believe she was here, finally. After all these years. It felt like a lifetime.

"I'll do that," she nodded. "We need a gossip," she pointed to me as she left. She didn't utter another word.

I was still smiling, I couldn't be any happier.

"She seems like a handful," Kyle stated. I nodded my head.

"She always has been, I think it's worse this time," I said truthfully. But I loved her even after all of this time.

"You can't stop smiling, I think I'm getting jealous," I looked to him.

"I just missed her, it's been five years," I replied. Kyle nodded as he hugged me.

"Well, I'm happy you're happy,"

"Likewise," I said. Kyle smiled. He was breathtaking. So handsome, so effective.

The day passed by in a blur, and finally, school had ended for the day. Infact, I was even happier there wasn't school tomorrow either.

Jordan came bounding up to me, and I was happy to see her again. She settled herself in well, and it felt as if she never went. But deep down I knew she did, she was my support, my rock, and she left.

I was just happy she was back.

"Hey, girl," she greeted. I smiled in her direction.

"Hey," we both made our way on to the field.

"What you're doing is amazing, Matt told me all about it and he also told me all about you and Kyle, yes I know the juice," her eyes twinkled and she stated.

"Oh, God, I don't want to know what he said," I replied skeptically. Jordan laughed.

"Better not," was her reply.

We stayed in comfortable silence until we stepped foot onto the warm grass.

"This place looks awesome," she looked around. "It looks completely different,"

"It's been five years," I shrugged.

"Still a sarcastic bitch," she said, her voice dripping with humour.

"Still a full on bitch," I shot back. We laughed in unison.

As the day turned to night, the stage lights turned on, and finally Kyle made his way up to us.

Everything was ready, and Jordan and I had worked hard for the last few hours to get it perfect. Jordan wanted to help, and she was extremely helpful.

Kyle sorted out the stage lights, and the sound system. His forhead was alined with beads of sweat, but he looked extra sexy.

"Hey, ladies," he said as he made his way up to us. "Ready to get the crowd in?" He looked to me as he asked. I nodded my head as I smiled. I was nervous, no doubt.

I hoped we raised a lot of money, I hope we raised as much as we could. Mary needed this, and so did Bill. I wanted their hope to remain. I wanted to help.

And if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right.

"Let's get started," I said. The band was ready, the stage was ready with the lights lighting up the field. There were stations for drinks and snacks, and also stations to buy other things.

As most of the school came flooding in, they laid out there blankets on the floor. We didn't want them to stand but there weren't any chairs, so they shared blankets with their groups which they sat on.

Many people brought plus ones, and family members too. It looked packed, and I was happy.

"Wow," Jordan said as we were standing there right behind the stage. "A whole zoo came,"

"Unbelievable," I breathed.

"Are you happy?" Kyle asked from behind me. I nodded my head.

"Of course," I whispered. "More than happy,"

"Me too, I didn't think many people would turn up with the amount of advertising we did," Kyle replied playfully. I smiled as my head nodded again.

"You should be proud of yourselves," Jordan stated truthfully. I was proud of myself, but I was mostly proud of Kyle. He was amazing, in all aspects.

"I see your father," Kyle pointed to the front, where my father was sat.

"He came?" I asked.

"I asked him," Kyle stated. "He couldn't miss this,"

"Thank you," I replied honestly. I wanted my father here after all.

"No, thank you," Kyle said. I turned to face him. "For doing this with me,"

"We're a team,"


Hey:) hope you enjoyed. I wasn't going to do a sex scene because I didn't think it felt right;)

But, I still hope you liked it:) I don't think we're far off the end of this story, but there's still a few things left to show you guys. :)

Follow my Instagram if you haven't; Dreamxrse

I love you guys forever x


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