Finding Aelita

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Jeremy's POV

Oh! I called Yumi again and she didn't pick up. What do I do? I am so worried about Aelita.Why is she not replying? What if...No jeremy stop thinking negative, she'd never do that. She is difinitely hiding something. I know that from her act of weirdness a few days ago when Ulrich was meant to study with her but got in trouble with Jim in the cafeteria. What could it be? Think Think where could she be? I typed in the codes and allowed the supercomputer to look for aelita. Nowhere to be found. Where is he? Hell does she know how worried we are getting. No one in the ice one in the forest one in the mountain one in the desert sector and no one is sector 5 and no one in the digital sea either. I went back to the dorms and waited until one of the warriors were free. Soon I got a call and I headed straight to the factory.

"Hey!" Yumi, Odd and Ulrich said together. "We're ready to go."

"Thank you so much guys."

"Chill it. She's our friend as much as yours and I will help find her even if it mean getting killed by my parents for leaving the house without permission." Yumi says with a worried look on her face when she mentioned her parents.

"Get in the scanners."

"Okay we're ready."

Transfer Yumi! Transfer Odd, Transfer Ulrich. Scanner Yumi, Scanner Odd, Scanner Ulrich. Vertualiazation.

"Jeremy! We have a problem." Yumi's worried voice shook me. "We're in this weird place."

"What does it look like?"

"sector 5 but everything is the colour black instead of blue and if you tell me that is a sign of evil." Ulrich says, calmly.

"Ouch!" I heard all of them shout.

"Guys are you alright?" No reply.

"GUYS!" I screamed cursing at his computer. I have lost connection with the others, I CAN'T BELIEVE MY LUCK.

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