The Finale

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(Your POV)

"Kyouya you have to come!" I begged to the blond. Once arriving upon the Sata's house, we settled in and the night went on without kyouya. It was the least to say interesting. Kyouya's mother got kind of drunk and well...yeah. After she finally sobered up, we talked about the festival going on today.

"I'm too tired." I groaned at his response before Reika showed up at the door to kyouya's old room.

"Let's go try on that Yukata I wanted you to wear, (Y/n)." I lighted up and nodded excitedly while following the red-headed girl. When in the hallway, she handed me the dress and signaled for me to go to the bathroom while she herself put on her own. Minutes later when Reika was already dressed up, I came out of the bathroom embarrassingly.

"I-I need help," I stood out in the hallway, head bowed and a blush on my face as the yukata was tucked in wrong, the bow wasn't even tied, and my hair was all messy. Reika laughed as I gritted my teeth. "It's not that easy!"

"I know! I know! Come here and I'll help you." And so she did, tucking it in the right way, tying the bow in the back and fixing my hair in a braided bun. "There! All better." She winked at me. I looked at my appearance and blushed. For the first time, I actually don't look that bad.

Kyouya exited out of his room and froze in place when he saw me.

"Kyouya! What do you think?" I asked giving a little spin and a wink at the end. A faint blush etched its way onto his cheeks as he looked to the side.

"You look fine." I grinned, knowing that his words meant a lot.

"Well, we'll be going now!" Reika yelled to the kitchen in which her mom was located in. The parent came staggering out quickly.

"Wait! I want to get a picture real quick of you guys!" Me and Reika huddled close and I smiled brightly while she gave a peace sign. "Alright have fun gir-"

"I'm going too," Kyouya interrupted cooly. Reika shot something back that I really didn't pay attention too and the siblings continued to banter as I smiled.

"(Y/n)," Their mother whispered. I looked at the woman in question. "Stay with kyouya. Okay?" I nodded as the brother, sister, and me all headed out.


"Wow! This is better than expected!" Reika admired as she took in all of the festival. I beamed up at all the games and tugged on kyouya's sleeve.

"Let's go play some!" He looked at the vendors and then at me and finally gave in as I happily pulled him away with Reika in tow.

"Alright! Here we go!" I exclaimed, pumping my fist. I set my money on the table and got ready to play the game where you have to keep spraying water at a target until the bell rings. As soon as the match started, I frantically sprayed the water as much as I could but in the end, I came just barely to almost winning. "Damn it!" From the corner of my eye I could see glistening candy apples. I smiled, wanting to get one for kyouya's mother. "I'll be back!" I remarked, running over to the stall as kyouya yelled in protest, telling me to watch out for the people. I traced over all of them, wanting to find the perfect one, as two guys approached me. Suddenly, kyouya showed up out of nowhere and sent them off with a glare.

"Which one is the best you think" I asked the male. He shrugged. I sighed and ordered three. One for me, one for kyouya's mother, and one for Reika. None for kyouya as he doesn't like sweets. An idea sparked in my head as kyouya loomed over me. "Hey you should give one of these to your mother!"

"Huh? Why?" I rolled my eyes, seeing the plan already fail.

"Because dummy, just give it to her."

(Sata Kyouya x reader) Not Just Another Prince CharmingWhere stories live. Discover now