As Tall As I Can Be

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(Your POV)


"What!?" I yelled falling out of my chair.

"Calm down. We were just talking about the school trip in a couple of months." Aika spoke. I shook my head as I stood up.

"Anyways have you heard about Ryo and his girlfriend! They totally broke up!" Eiko continued.

"No way!" Aika exclaimed. I rolled my eyes at their behavior and sat back in my chair looking out the window.

"Kyouya!" I heard a high voice shout. I looked over and saw the brunette from yesterday standing next to....kyouya.

"You alright (y/n)?" Aika asked. After being
said, kyouya looked over to us and smirked. I gulped and turned back to the two girls.

"Yup! Just handy dandy! Haha!" I laughed awkwardly. They continued to talk as I went back to kyouya and the girl. The bell signaling lunch then rang. I grinned as I jumped up and bolted for the door. Just then I was pulled back by the hem of my shirt.

"Wait." A voice stated flatly. I looked up and saw kyouya staring at me. "I need you to run an errand." I huffed in annoyance before nodding.

"What is it?" I asked. He smirked at my behavior.

"Good, now go fetch me a drink. I'm thirsty."

"Yeah, Yeah, your royal pain." I retorted. "Geez how do you put up with this guy?" I turned towards the brunette.

"Uh, oh, well." She started.

"(Y/n)." Kyouya warned.

"Right." I then started walking towards the vending machines to get the drink.

(Time skip)

This is so unfair. I looked longingly at kyouya as he gulped down his fresh drink. I licked my lips, felling the dryness of my tongue and my chapped lips. I turned toward who I found out was named Erika and asked her a question.

"So why are you guys really together?"

"What do you mean?" She queried.

"Well you seem like a nice person, and I don't honestly think you would want to be with this guy." I made a pointing motion to kyouya who was sitting across from me and next to Erika.

"O-our relationship is real!" She exclaimed.

"It's not. She got herself into a mess so I have to help her." Kyouya stated flatly.

"No way! Then you're just like me, trapped
within his evil walls!" I yelled standing up and slapping a hand onto the table.

"I-i guess." She squirmed, probably uncomfortable from my outburst.

"Calm down." Kyouya spoke, flicking my forehead.

"Sorry," I said rubbing the spot he hit.

"Oh yeah and I need your phone number." Kyouya reported.

"Okay." I replied. I looked around and saw a pen nearby as I grabbed it. I then used a napkin as paper and wrote it down. "Here," I held the napkin out. He looked surprised at first then took it. The bell rang signaling lunch was over.

"I'll come by after class to pick you up." Kyouya spoke. I nodded my head glancing at Erika. Her eyes flickered with a little jealousy before going back to normal. I looked away as I stood up and headed for class.

(Time skip-I know a lot of time skips I'm sorry)
The bell ending school rang as I packed up my stuff. Moments later kyouya appeared by the door. I walked towards him, signaling I was ready. We left the class as we walked on the streets, an awkward silence filled the air.

"So kyouya, why aren't you walking with Erika?" I questioned.

"Because I'm bored of her." He replied. I rolled my eyes at his answer.

"Playboy much?" I muttered quietly. He glared at me then huffed.

"You shouldn't be talking like that about your

"I don't like that word." I started. "Owner. Even though I have to be your dog don't act like I'm your possession. If your dog barked at you, you wouldn't go hurting it right?" I asked. His eyes widened before he put on a blank look as silence filled the air once again.

"So!" I smiled. "Tell me more about you! I'm guessing you like dogs?" Kyouya nodded, glancing at me. "What else do you like?" I questioned looking up at the sky. Dark clouds. It's going to rain.

"I never thought about it." I hummed in response before stopping.

"Wait here." I requested. "I'll be back." I then ran off towards the direction of a store. Minutes later I came back to kyouya standing on the sidewalk looking impatient.

"What took so-" He stopped as he saw an umbrella in my hand.

"I noticed it was going to rain. Just look at the sky. I got a hint that you might not like getting wet so I brought you an umbrella. I mean what kind of dog would I be if I didn't 'rescue' my NOT owner." I beamed as I held the umbrella out to him. Just then drops of rain started to come down. "And you can have the umbrella all to yourself. I don't mind the rain." He took the umbrella as I smiled at him. Kyouya glanced at the sky and soon me. He then reached his hand out and petted my head.

"Good." He retorted, looking the other way. I slightly giggled as we continued on our way. I looked up at kyouya and realized how tall he was. Like seriously compared to me, he's really tall. The rain started to stop as kyouya put the umbrella away. I began to walk on my tip toes, trying to get me to his height. Kyouya then glanced at me as I wobbled around. I soon stuck my hand out and measured our height.

"What are you doing?" Kyouya asked.

"I'm almost as tall as you!" I exclaimed still on my tip toes. He then looked down and saw me wobbling. "Wow! You're finally short. How does it feel? Huh?" I asked cockily. He then lifted me in the air so my feet were left dangling.

"I think you still have a little while." He then put me down and continued walking as I stood there stoic.

"Fair enough." I stated while I caught up with him.

(Sata Kyouya x reader) Not Just Another Prince CharmingWhere stories live. Discover now