KIDNAPPED?! by freakin Mitoshi

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"(Y/n)!" I looked back at the guy who called my name and screamed, as another man ran past him towards me.


(End of Flash-back)

I got knocked down by the boy who put me in a tight embrace.

"Let go Mitoshi!"I screamed trying to kick of the persistent male. Mitoshi looked up and smirked.

"But why? I like it here~" I blushed and screamed even louder.

"(Y/n)! Are you okay?" I looked up and stared into the eyes of a worried Shuji.

"Shuji! Help meeee!" All of a sudden Mitoshi was pushed off of me and I was lifted up and pressed against a chest. "Mmfff!" I looked up and saw kyouya glaring at mitoshi. Mitoshi pouted and glared back.

"No fair! I want some of (Y/n) too!" The guy whined.

"Don't say it like that pervert!" I yelled, throwing a nearby object at him. Shuji sweat dropped as me and mitoshi went back and forth. Him cooing some weird line to me while I kept throwing random stuff at him.

"Am I missing something?" Shuji asked. "Were you two past lovers?" I blushed as Mitoshi nosebleed.

"(Y/n) as my girl! How great that would be! Of course I would treat her very nicely~" I steamed with fury at the nuisance and growled.

"He was definitely not my past lover." Shuji breathes in a sigh of relief and stared at the guy, giving off an 'I don't like the looks of this guy' aura. Again, I'm not really fond of him.
(Author still loves Mitoshi! <3)

"Well anyway I'm Shuji. It's..... nice to meet you." The two continued their introduction's as I looked on briefly until kyouya grabbed my hand.

"Let's go," I looked up at him and nodded.

"Whaaaaaat!? You're leaving already? (Y/n)! Come back!" Mitoshi cried like a child without its mother. I turned back to him and gave a fake smile.

"Shuji, it was nice to see you. Mitoshi, don't follow me out the door. Ok? Byeeeeee!" And with that I started walking, not before mitoshi rushed to my side and grabbed my hand. Before anyone had time to react, mitoshi smirked and took off running with me, not letting go. "Mitoshi!" As he ran off I also heard the other two boys calling out as well.

"Sorry (Y/n). Today we are spending the whoooooooole day together!" I widened my eyes as those words hit me.






"Let's go to the ice cream shop! Or to a cafe! I would love to feed you (Y/n)!" Mitoshi has kept to his promise and has been dragging me around different stores for hours. On one side, mitoshi is a big bundle of joy while me, well you can probably guess.

"We have been walking for ever mitoshi! Can you just pick a place so we can sit down."

"Right, right. Oohhhh, let's go to that cafe over there! I heard it has great cake!" And just like that, we were off again to another shop.


"(Y/n) pick up," kyouya growled, closing his phone. Shuji sighed and took another sip of his drink.

"I wonder where mitoshi took her. I don't have a good feeling about him." Kyouya looked up curiously. "I mean, he obviously doesn't have good intentions with her. Or does he?"

"No." Shuji nodded along to kyouyas comment.

"Would you like a refill?" A waitress of the restaurant the two were at asked, blushing.

"No. I'm okay, thanks." Kyouya smiled his princely smile to the waitress who just nodded and scurried along in return. As the two continued to think in silence, two familiar          voices were heard in the distance.

"The cafe is just up here!"

"Great! Now let's hurry so I can get home and plug my phone in." The two guys looked at each other and then out the window. They saw a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) orbs being followed my a very persistent guy. The two widened their eyes as they finally found their target and spoke in sync,


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